Failed to read from TAP device: ea (VPN works OK)

Niels Peen niels at
Wed Oct 15 01:42:24 PDT 2014

I occasionally run into this error using OpenConnect-GUI 0.6:

Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea

It seems to have no effect on the VPN or its performance. Any idea
what could cause this?


2014-10-15 01:35 Got CONNECT response: HTTP/1.1 200 CONNECTED
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Version: 1
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-DPD: 90
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Default-Domain:
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Address:
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Netmask:
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-DNS:
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-DNS:
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Keepalive: 32400
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Idle-Timeout: none
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Smartcard-Removal-Disconnect: true
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Rekey-Time: 172800
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Rekey-Method: new-tunnel
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Session-Timeout: none
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Disconnected-Timeout: none
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Keep: true
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-TCP-Keepalive: true
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Tunnel-All-DNS: false
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-License: accept
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-MTU: 1280
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-MTU: 1280
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-Base-MTU: 1380
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-Session-ID: 8d221247999c36055ee1f98b0fa558c0989131a0cd3fc669d048a3a7387dbb28
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-DPD: 90
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-Port: 443
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-Rekey-Time: 172810
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-Keepalive: 32400
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-CipherSuite: OC-DTLS1_2-AES128-GCM
2014-10-15 01:35 X-DTLS-MTU: 1314
2014-10-15 01:35 X-CSTP-MTU: 1314
2014-10-15 01:35 CSTP connected. DPD 90, Keepalive 32400
2014-10-15 01:35 Opened tun device Local Area Connection
2014-10-15 01:35 TAP-Windows driver v9.9 (0)
2014-10-15 01:35 executing: route print
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-MTU : 1280
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-Session-ID : 8d221247999c36055ee1f98b0fa558c0989131a0cd3fc669d048a3a7387dbb28
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-DPD : 90
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-Port : 443
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-Rekey-Time : 172810
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-Keepalive : 32400
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-CipherSuite : OC-DTLS1_2-AES128-GCM
2014-10-15 01:35 DTLS option X-DTLS-MTU : 1314
2014-10-15 01:35 Error setting up DTLS
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea
Failed to complete read from TAP device: ea

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