Problem connecting to VPN due to malformed HTML in login webpage

David Marín Carreño davefx at
Thu Mar 28 04:31:08 EDT 2013

Hi all.

I'm trying to use openconnect for connecting to my firm VPN.
The web page that we use for connecting in Windows allows to select
one firm among other firms in the group.

The problem is that it the webpage is not correct HTML, and I am
getting the following error:

noname.xml:14: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
<option noaaa="0" value="FIRMONE&TWO">FIRMONE</option>

(I have replace the name of the firm)

Obviously, the problem is that someone in IT doesn't know that an
ampersand must be written as "&" in HTML...

Is there any way of correcting this locally? My firm is "only
windows", but at home I only have Linux.

Thanks a lot.

David Marín Carreño <davefx at>

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