Project Idea

Andrew E. Mileski andrewm at
Mon Jul 11 10:44:27 PDT 2016

Looked at my e-mail on my mobile phone and saw Jan Rinze's name, not noticing it 
was a NetWinder post, as I subscribe to several lists.  Thought, "oh wow, I wow, 
I remember that one!"

I've gone over to the dark side:  I have a Raspberry PI 3 Model B running Fedora 
24, that is all and more of what the NetWinder wanted to be.  Guess the 
NetWinder was a couple of decades ahead in concept, but behind in technology.

I really like the RPI 3B, but it requires turning a blind-eye to the large 
amount of proprietary binary blobs it takes to get the the thing running.  The 
RPI3 performance is really impressive once the frequency governor is changed to 
"performance" to boot in cmdline.txt, and then once booted changed to "ondemand" 
with a 60% threshold via tmpfiles.d (or whatever poison you prefer).

I divested myself of all NetWinders about two years ago when I last moved, 
dumping them on Ralph (I think?), and he probably just dropped them at the 
recyclers when he recently moved.

Andrew E. Mileski

On 2016-07-10 04:52, janrinze wrote:
> I still have a couple of Netwinders. There are a few projects in mind where they
> are useful. Not having any time is the biggest hurdle for me and I hope to have
> a little bit of time in the next few months.
> Will keep you updated.
> Jan Rinze.

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