[PATCH 1/8] clk: bcm2835: documenentation: add graphiz bcm2835 clock tree
kernel at martin.sperl.org
kernel at martin.sperl.org
Mon Feb 29 07:43:55 PST 2016
From: Martin Sperl <kernel at martin.sperl.org>
Add a graphviz description of the bcm2835 clock tree
(at least as far as it is known right now).
Signed-off-by: Martin Sperl <kernel at martin.sperl.org>
Documentation/clk/bcrm,bcm2835-clock-tree.dot | 350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 350 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Documentation/clk/bcrm,bcm2835-clock-tree.dot
diff --git a/Documentation/clk/bcrm,bcm2835-clock-tree.dot b/Documentation/clk/bcrm,bcm2835-clock-tree.dot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a3282e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/clk/bcrm,bcm2835-clock-tree.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Martin Sperl
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+digraph clocks {
+ rankdir=LR;
+ /* the basic clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_osc {
+ label = "Parent clocks";
+ "GND"
+ "OSC"
+ }
+ /* the generated test clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_clock_gen {
+ label = "generated clocks";
+ "testdebug0"
+ "testdebug1"
+ }
+ /* the PLLs and their divider */
+ subgraph cluster_pll {
+ label = "PLLs";
+ subgraph cluster_plla {
+ label = "PLLA";
+ PLLA -> PLLA_core
+ PLLA -> PLLA_per
+ PLLA -> PLLA_dsi0
+ PLLA -> PLLA_ccp2
+ }
+ subgraph cluster_pllb {
+ label = "PLLB";
+ }
+ subgraph cluster_pllc {
+ label = "PLLC";
+ PLLC -> PLLC_core0
+ PLLC -> PLLC_core1
+ PLLC -> PLLC_core2
+ PLLC -> PLLC_per
+ }
+ subgraph cluster_plld {
+ label = "PLLD";
+ PLLD -> PLLD_core
+ PLLD -> PLLD_per
+ PLLD -> PLLD_dsi0
+ PLLD -> PLLD_dsi1
+ }
+ subgraph cluster_pllh {
+ label = "PLLH";
+ PLLH -> PLLH_aux
+ PLLH -> PLLH_pix
+ PLLH -> PLLH_rcal
+ }
+ }
+ /* all the clock mux groups and the clocks that use them */
+ subgraph cluster_mux {
+ label = "clocks";
+ /* the vpu clocks and the common mux */
+ subgraph cluster_vpu_clocks {
+ label = "VPU-clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all vpu clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_vpu_mux {
+ label = "VPU-mux";
+ /* the mux name/id */
+ vGND [label="0: GND"]
+ vOSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ vtestdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ vtestdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ vPLLA_core [label="4: PLLA_core"]
+ vPLLC_core0 [label="5: PLLC_core0"]
+ vPLLD_core [label="6: PLLD_core"]
+ vPLLH_aux [label="7: PLLH_aux"]
+ vPLLC_core1 [label="8: PLLC_core1"]
+ vPLLC_core2 [label="9: PLLC_core2"]
+ GND -> vGND -> vpu_mux
+ OSC -> vOSC -> vpu_mux
+ testdebug0 -> vtestdebug0 -> vpu_mux
+ testdebug1 -> vtestdebug1 -> vpu_mux
+ PLLA_core -> vPLLA_core -> vpu_mux
+ PLLC_core0 -> vPLLC_core0 -> vpu_mux
+ PLLD_core -> vPLLD_core -> vpu_mux
+ PLLH_aux -> vPLLH_aux -> vpu_mux
+ PLLC_core1 -> vPLLC_core1 -> vpu_mux
+ PLLC_core2 -> vPLLC_core2 -> vpu_mux
+ }
+ /* the clocks that use the vpu clock domain */
+ vpu_mux -> vpu
+ vpu_mux -> v3d
+ vpu_mux -> isp
+ vpu_mux -> h264
+ vpu_mux -> sdram
+ }
+ /* the peripherial clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_per_clocks {
+ label = "Periperial-clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all periperal clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_per_mux {
+ label = "Periperal-mux";
+ pGND [label="0: GND"]
+ pOSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ ptestdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ ptestdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ pPLLA_per [label="4: PLLA_per"]
+ pPLLC_per [label="5: PLLC_per"]
+ pPLLD_per [label="6: PLLD_per"]
+ pPLLH_aux [label="7: PLLH_aux"]
+ GND -> pGND -> per_mux
+ OSC -> pOSC -> per_mux
+ testdebug0 -> ptestdebug0 -> per_mux
+ testdebug1 -> ptestdebug1 -> per_mux
+ PLLA_per -> pPLLA_per -> per_mux
+ PLLC_per -> pPLLC_per -> per_mux
+ PLLD_per -> pPLLD_per -> per_mux
+ PLLH_aux -> pPLLH_aux -> per_mux
+ }
+ /* the clocks that use the per clock domain */
+ per_mux -> vec
+ per_mux -> uart
+ per_mux -> hsm
+ per_mux -> emmc
+ per_mux -> pwm
+ per_mux -> pcm
+ per_mux -> aveo
+ per_mux -> cam0
+ per_mux -> cam1
+ per_mux -> dft
+ per_mux -> dpi
+ per_mux -> gp0
+ per_mux -> gp1
+ per_mux -> gp2
+ per_mux -> slim
+ per_mux -> smi
+ }
+ /* the osc clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_osc_clocks {
+ label = "osc-clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all osc clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_osc_mux {
+ label = "oscillator-mux";
+ oGND [label="0: GND"]
+ oOSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ otestdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ otestdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ GND -> oGND -> osc_mux
+ OSC -> oOSC -> osc_mux
+ testdebug0 -> otestdebug0 -> osc_mux
+ testdebug1 -> otestdebug1 -> osc_mux
+ }
+ /* the clocks that use the osc clock domain */
+ osc_mux -> tsens
+ osc_mux -> tec
+ osc_mux -> otp
+ osc_mux -> pulse
+ osc_mux -> timer
+ }
+ /* dsi0 related clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_dsi0_mux_clocks {
+ label = "dsi0 clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all dsi0 clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_dsi0_mux {
+ label = "dsi0-mux";
+ /* 16 possible parent clocks */
+ d0GND [label="0: GND"]
+ d0OSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ d0testdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ d0testdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ d0PLLA_dsi0 [label="x: PLLA_dsi0 - CM_DSI0HSCK_SELPLLD==0"]
+ d0PLLD_dsi0 [label="x: PLLD_dsi0 - CM_DSI0HSCK_SELPLLD==1"]
+ d0missing [label="more parents"]
+ GND -> d0GND -> dsi0_mux
+ OSC -> d0OSC -> dsi0_mux
+ testdebug0 -> d0testdebug0 -> dsi0_mux
+ testdebug1 -> d0testdebug1 -> dsi0_mux
+ PLLA_dsi0 -> d0PLLA_dsi0 -> dsi0_mux
+ PLLD_dsi0 -> d0PLLD_dsi0 -> dsi0_mux
+ d0missing -> dsi0_mux
+ }
+ dsi0_mux -> dsi0e
+ dsi0_mux -> dsi0pix
+ }
+ /* dsi1 related clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_dsi1_mux_clocks {
+ label = "dsi1 clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all dsi1 clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_dsi1_mux {
+ label = "dsi1-mux";
+ /* 16 possible parent clocks */
+ d1GND [label="0: GND"]
+ d1OSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ d1testdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ d1testdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ d1PLLD_dsi1 [label="x: PLLD_dsi1"]
+ d1missing [label="more parents"]
+ GND -> d1GND -> dsi1_mux
+ OSC -> d1OSC -> dsi1_mux
+ testdebug0 -> d1testdebug0 -> dsi1_mux
+ testdebug1 -> d1testdebug1 -> dsi1_mux
+ PLLD_dsi1 -> d1PLLD_dsi1 -> dsi1_mux
+ d1missing -> dsi1_mux
+ }
+ dsi1_mux -> dsi1e
+ dsi1_mux -> dsi1pix
+ }
+ /* ccp2 related clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_ccp2_mux_clocks {
+ label = "ccp2 clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all ccp2 clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_ccp2_mux {
+ label = "ccp2-mux";
+ /* 8 possible parent clocks */
+ cGND [label="0: GND"]
+ cOSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ ctestdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ ctestdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ cPLLA_ccp2 [label="x: PLLA_ccp2"]
+ cmissing [label="more parents"]
+ GND -> cGND -> ccp2_mux
+ OSC -> cOSC -> ccp2_mux
+ testdebug0 -> ctestdebug0 -> ccp2_mux
+ testdebug1 -> ctestdebug1 -> ccp2_mux
+ PLLA_ccp2 -> cPLLA_ccp2 -> ccp2_mux
+ cmissing -> ccp2_mux
+ }
+ ccp2_mux -> ccp2
+ }
+ /* clocks where we do not know the parents */
+ subgraph cluster_unknown_parent_mux_clocks {
+ label = "unknown parent mux clocks";
+ /* the common mux for all unknown clocks */
+ subgraph cluster_ukn_mux {
+ label = "unknown-mux";
+ uGND [label="0: GND"]
+ uOSC [label="1: OSC"]
+ utestdebug0 [label="2: testdebug0"]
+ utestdebug1 [label="3: testdebug1"]
+ umissing [label="more parents"]
+ GND -> uGND -> ukn_mux
+ OSC -> uOSC -> ukn_mux
+ testdebug0 -> utestdebug0 -> ukn_mux
+ testdebug1 -> utestdebug1 -> ukn_mux
+ umissing -> ukn_mux
+ }
+ /*
+ * mux-clocks with 16 possible parent clocks
+ * possibly related to testdebug0/1?
+ */
+ ukn_mux -> td0 -> testdebug0
+ ukn_mux -> td1 -> testdebug1
+ ukn_mux -> tcnt
+ ukn_mux -> gnric /* dummy? - but it is marked RW */
+ /* mux-clock with 8 possible parent clocks */
+ ukn_parent -> pllt /* no enable - missing divider,
+ * but with CM_PLLTCNT0-3
+ * counters?
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ /* auxiliar periperial clock gates */
+ subgraph cluster_aux_clocks {
+ label = "auxiliar-clock gates off the vpu";
+ vpu -> spi1
+ vpu -> spi2
+ vpu -> uart1
+ }
+ /* clock gates that require debug bit set in the power manager */
+ subgraph cluster_vpu_debug_clocks {
+ label = "vpu debug gate clocks";
+ vpu -> PM_DEBUG
+ /* no ENABLE bits */
+ PM_DEBUG -> peria
+ PM_DEBUG -> perii
+ PM_DEBUG -> sys
+ }
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