possible bug in pd6729

Komuro komurojun-mbn at nifty.com
Mon Oct 19 08:28:23 EDT 2009


>So I am now compileing a 2.6.29 kernel. The only problem is I cannot apply 
>the patch (rreproduced below). I cut it out of the email message and pasted 
>it into a file named pd6729.patch. I tried to apply the patch like this:
>hutson:/usr/src/linux# patch -p1 </tmp/pd6729.patch
>patching file drivers/pcmcia/pd6729.c
<Hunk #1 FAILED at 641.
>1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/pcmcia/pd6729.c.rej
>I am thinking this means applying the patch did not work.

Instead of apply the patch,
could you cut and pasted it to the pd6729.c directly,
and compile the kernel again?

Best Regards

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