Endeavor to reply please

MRS.PATRICIA ETTEH patetteh08 at excite.com
Thu Dec 27 10:49:31 EST 2007

l am MRS. PATRICIA ETTEH, former Speaker House Of Representative Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria, l lost my political position as the speaker of the house, due to high level of conspiracy by my fellow colleagues, due to this fact, majority of my of assets has to be declared back to the government, what l am currently concerned about now are my foreign deposit, if any of these foreign deposits are discovered l will automatically loose it to the Government. 

On this note l need your immediate assistance to make an immediate change of beneficiary. 


Your effort will be rewarded. You can reach me on this email: patetteh08 at excite.com or ettehpatricia at yahoo.co.uk


Patricia Etteh

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