
Mukund JB. mukundjb at esntechnologies.co.in
Tue Jan 10 23:56:12 EST 2006

> > Do the status registers change (those registers which are 
> read out in
> > yenta_interrupt)?
> I don't think so. Is there any easy way to check this? I 
> added a line to
> print the value SS_STSCHG in yenta_interrupt and it did not 
> do anything
> (i.e. change) when inserting an SD card. It didn't change 
> when I inserted
> a normal pcmcia card though either which is why I suspect 
> that's not what
> you're looking for.

I would like to mention one thing here.
I assume, The TI 7x20 PCI range of cards provide dummy PCMCIA slots where as the entire logic is represented in the functions of PIC and no PCMCIA specific registers are VALID.

The entire driver logic should be based PCI function specific. 

Would you please narrate to me what do you what to do so that I will be in a position to help you more on this?

> >> How should I proceed to add support for function 1 on this 
> controller? 

Please see the specs do  they speak about the PCMCIA registers NO, I guess.

> >> have the tech specs for it. (Or am I missing something ... ?)
> >
> > Are these publicly available?
> Indeed. I got them off the TI web site.
> Cheers,
> Eric
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