unable to map card memory

Robert Schulze rob at net-pr.de
Wed Nov 9 09:30:22 EST 2005


I've got serious problems with getting pcmcia to work.
I'm using pcmciautils-10 and all required packages (sysfs,
module-init-tools) in required versions.

If I put my card (Cisco aironet 350 PCMCIA) into the slot, and issue the
pccardctl insert command,
then the error-message "cs: unable to map card memory" occurs.
Sometimes, the message "no high memory space avaliable" also occurs.

I tried booting a knoppix-cd to get the correct values for my ressource

- /proc/iomem contained the region 0xa0000000 - 0xa0fff0000 for
- /proc/ioport contained 0x1300 - 0x13ff (or similar) for the card

I used those values in my /etc/pcmcia/config.opts
pcmcia-socket-startup does obviously use these values, as I can view with
debugging pcmciautils on.

Well, even with those values, the message occurs, my card does not work.
One thing I also noticed, is that rsrc_nonstatic does not do any probing,
although it is enabled in the kernel .config file
and explicit enabled in my modprobe-config.

Where can I get further information in getting my pcmcia work?

with kind regards,
Robert Schulze

PS: please excuse bad english if so.

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