[PATCH] nvme: allow to re-attach namespaces after all paths are down

Hannes Reinecke hare at suse.de
Wed May 12 06:18:06 PDT 2021

On 5/11/21 11:37 PM, Keith Busch wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 03:25:04PM -0700, Sagi Grimberg wrote:
>> Hannes, you sent a patch like this before, my comment was that a nshead
>> should be removed before the final reference (which who knows when it
>> will ever arrive) as if a nsid were to be reused by the controller for
>> a different namespace then we'd reject it so I'm not sure how this helps?
> Hm, you're considering something like if a user does namespace
> management commands to delete one that is in-use (mounted, raid, etc),
> then creates and attaches a new namespace that happens to be assigned
> the same NSID.
> The new one may get different EUI/NGUID values, so this approach here
> would prevent the namespace from being usable without additional user
> intervention. I think we'd want the driver to allocate an entirely new
> head in that case if we could detect that's what happened. There is also
> a possibility that the controller recycles the same NGUID for the new
> namespace, and that could be confusing for the application holding the
> open reference on the old namespace.
... and, of course, none of this would happen if we would _not_ keep the
old nshead around. I'm still not sure _why_ this is considered
important. After all, things work perfectly when the CMIC bit is not
set; even device hot-removal and re-insertion (one of our IHVs tested
the crap out of that one, and I can confidently state the nvme stack did
not cause any issue there. Unlike other subsystems ...).

So I'm really curious which use-case we're trying to support with that;
EIO is EIO, and the application couldn't care less if it's generated due
to the nshead running out of paths or the nshead not existing...


Dr. Hannes Reinecke		           Kernel Storage Architect
hare at suse.de			                  +49 911 74053 688
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
HRB 36809 (AG Nürnberg), GF: Felix Imendörffer

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