vhost/virtio fabric

Chaitanya Kulkarni Chaitanya.Kulkarni at wdc.com
Mon Feb 8 23:41:21 EST 2021


On 2/8/21 20:29, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> This search made me come across an old set of slides from
> Christoph Hellwig that did, indeed, mention that at some point
> vhost/virtio fabric was considered.
> Please let me know if there's any work that has ever been done
> in the direction (even if in a form of unmerged patches) or whether
> if I need this functionality I'd have to implement it from scratch (probably
> aping a great deal of drivers/vhost/scsi.c).

At some point of time I've looked into this because that the next logical
step in the ecosystem development, but I'm not sure if this will be
or not or do we need to have change the spec. If there is a strong use
case I'd
like to definitely work on or contribute towards the development of this

I'm interested in knowing what everyone think about this one ...

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