libnvme questions

Padmakar Kalghatgi p.kalghatgi at
Wed Apr 7 13:38:06 BST 2021

 We would like to propose an implementation of sideband nvme-mi command set  in nvme-cli & QEMU Subsystem. 

   What are we going to target?

·  NVMe-CLI plug-in for MI (sideband)

      Implementation of MI commands as per NVMe MI specification.
      Enabling  to send the MI commands via SMBus\Hardwares\Emulation.
      Implement this as a plugin which will be similar to the ZNS and other plugins. 
      Provide placeholders for users to plug in the hardware library of their choice.

Along with this, we planned to implement the sideband MI command handling in QEMU.
If this feature is used as a plugin, it wont have any impact on the existing interfaces which the nvme command uses.
Please share your thougths whether to have this feature as a plugin or as a standalone tool, also provide feedback on our plan to have the sideband MI functionality.
We are open to co-work and collaborate on this feature development.

Since most of the companies who develop SSDs, use MI(sideband) channel, we think this will be a good enhancement to the existing functionality which the nvme-cli provides.

Here is a list of SSDs released which uses sideband MI:

WDC SN630 
WDC Ultrastar DC SN630 

HGST Ultrastar SN200 

Intel D7-P5500
Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P4800X 
Intel® SSD DC P4500 Series
Intel® SSD DC P4608 Series
Intel® SSD DC P4600 Series
Intel® SSD DC P4501 Series

Samsung NVMe 172X Series 


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