UBIFS: Is it possible to get the compressed size of a file?

hujianyang hujianyang at huawei.com
Tue Dec 16 22:22:01 PST 2014

On 2014/12/12 16:10, markus.heininger at online.de wrote:
> Hello,
> when using compression along with UBIfs, fstat reports the uncompressed file size
> (as it should do). Is there a simple way to get the compressed file size, thus the real space
> a single file needs on the flash memory?

Why you need this?

I know *df* shows the space of a partition. Run *sync* after
a file created or appended, the space change of this partition
maybe could show you the compressed size of this file.

Is that enough for you?

> Many thanks,
> Markus

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