Opening flash device for update - support for SPI device

MikeW mw_phil at
Wed May 16 09:52:47 EDT 2007

MikeW <mw_phil <at>> writes:

> A utility program cannot open a /dev/mtd  in mode O_RDWR - permission denied
> (/dev permission bits are OK)
> Presumably this is because the device is locked.
> OK, there is a MEMUNLOCK ioctl - hopefully this can be called
> on a device that is only opened in O_RDONLY mode ?!
> Regards,
> MikeW

Having checked MEMINFO flags=0x04, type=0x0E, I now realise that this device
(ST M25P32) may not be well-supported by MTD, and does not appear to be
writeable using our current MTD driver.


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