doc2000 geometry problem?

dr john halewood john at
Mon Jun 11 06:29:41 EDT 2007

On Wed, 05 Jul 2000, David Woodhouse wrote:
>You _are_ using them on the flash device /dev/mtd0 aren't you, not on the 
>nftl device /dev/nftla ?
>You shouldn't need to do it though - can you not mount the /dev/nftla1 
>partition? Or reformat it to ext2 with 'mkfs.ext2 /dev/nftla1' ?

This is the funny bit: I mounted the fat partition on /dev/nftla1 happily, but
couldn't see any files on it. Trying to write to it gave a "No Virtual Unit
Chains available" message, and reformatting it this mkfs reported a success but
left the fat partition there. Is the fact that it sees 0 sectors significant or
is this normal?


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