What is the correct way to make an mtdchar device available?

James Olin Oden james.oden at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 13:50:29 EDT 2007

I have a system with the ST Micro M50FW080 firmware hub.  I have
checked the source code and the jedec_probe module has detection code
for that driver.  So I've done:

   modprobe jedec_probe
   modprobe mtdchar

Both modules load with no output going to the console.   No /dev/mtd#
device appears (there are two firmware hubs so I would assume mtd0 and
mtd1 would apprear).  If I do a mknod, the device is there but I
cannot read from it.

I have now tried this with both the Fedora Core 6 kernel and the RHEL
5 kernel (all of which have mtd configured, and are using 2.6.18
kernel (with RedHats legion of patches).

What am I missing?  What is the correct way to bring up an mtdchar device?


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