Upgrading mtd-utils in uClinux.

Ricard Wanderlof ricard.wanderlof at axis.com
Wed Nov 29 02:43:58 EST 2006

On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Glen Johnson wrote:

> I am attempting to compile the latest mtd-utils into uClinux's 
> distribution dated 2006-08-03.  After some unsuccessful attempts I found 
> the new mtd-utils needed an updated zlib.  I successfully upgraded to 
> zlib version 1.2.3 inside uClinux-dist/lib/zlib.  I now have that 
> compiling and still am not getting anywhere with compiling the 
> mtd-utils. I dropped the latest mtd-utils code into the directory 
> uClinux-dist/user/mtd-utils.  I have observed the Makefiles between the 
> new updated mtd-utils and the old uClinux-dist/user/mtd-utils/Makefile 
> are VERY different.  I tried to use the old Makefile as a template to 
> build the new code and it still is not compiling. What is the correct 
> method of upgrading mtd-utils?  It shouldn't be as difficult to upgrade 
> some code in user space as I am making it.  I feel like I must be going 
> about this the wrong way.  Are there any pointers, tips, or 
> recommendations to get me going in the right direction?

Unless someone here has had this specific problem, some form of output 
from the compilation indicating what is going wrong would be helpful.

Ricard Wolf Wanderlöf                           ricardw(at)axis.com
Axis Communications AB, Lund, Sweden            www.axis.com
Phone +46 46 272 2016                           Fax +46 46 13 61 30

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