JFFS2 reports warning continuously !

Sreecharan Sivadevuni mailsreecharan at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 17 01:29:33 EDT 2006

 Hi all,
          I am running JFFS2.1 on uClinux2.4.24. My flash chip is SST39VF6401B. For all Write/erase/ (and may be also read) operations the MTD drivers print the following warning message. 

Warning: DQ5 raised while program operation was in progress, however operation completed OK

Is this normal? can I get over it anyway? any comments would be great!

I am using JEDEC_PROBE. The following is the code I am using in jedec_probe.c file to support above flash device.
         .mfr_id        = MANUFACTURER_SST,
         .dev_id        = SST39VF6401B,
         .name        = "SST 39VF6401B",
         .DevSize    = SIZE_8MiB,
         .CmdSet        = P_ID_AMD_STD,
         .NumEraseRegions= 2,
         .regions    = {
             ERASEINFO(0x02000, 8),
             ERASEINFO(0x10000, 127),


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