DiskOnChip - mount partition
Ruediger Haertel
hae at port.de
Wed Sep 7 05:26:29 EDT 2005
I have a DoC Mil+ 16MB. I am using 2.4.27-uc1 with this MTD
The chip is correctly detected, after I removed the "2 way
interleave" in doc2001plus.c.
Then I did a
nftl_format -b -i /dev/mtd5 98304
docfdisk /dev/mtd5 50 0
which should give me /dev/mtd6 and /dev/mtd7 as far as I know.
However accessing /dev/mtd6 with
eraseall /dev/mtd6
says: eraseall: /dev/mtd6: No such device
Device /dev/mtd6 has the following device files:
crw------- 1 0 0 90, 12 /dev/mtd6
brw------- 1 0 0 31, 6 /dev/mtdblock6
crw------- 1 0 0 90, 13 /dev/mtdr6
## snip - boot output
DiskOnChip Millennium Plus found at address 0x40000000
Flash chip found: Manufacturer ID: 98, Chip ID: 73 (Toshiba:NAND
16MB 3,3V)
1 flash chips found. Total DiskOnChip size: 16 MiB
INFTL: inftlcore.c $Revision: 1.13 $, inftlmount.c $Revision:
1.13 $
Partition check:
inftla: unknown partition table
## snap
Do you have any hint what is going wrong or any pointer where I
should look.
with best regards / salutations distinguées / Cordiali Saluti /
med vänliga hälsningar / mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ruediger Haertel
| port GmbH phone +49 345 77755-0
| D-06132 Halle/Saale mailto:service at port.de
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