Request for low-risk DOC

Chris Fortin chris at
Mon Dec 13 14:51:02 EST 2004

Hi everyone,
  I've been trying to beat a M-Systems, DOC2000, 384MB chip into
working with the mtd drivers, and using grub to boot.  For some
reason that I havn't been able to localize, the installation
of grub fails ( failing on one of the erase lines ).  Since
this is under version 2.4.27 of the linux kernel, I thought
there might be some incompatabilities with pre-2.6 kernels.
I suspect something in the ../util/doc_loadbios call doesn't
like the inftl chip.

So ... what I'm asking is, does anyone have a M-Systems DOC,
over 256MB in size, running a 2.4.something kernel, using
grub to boot?  If so, would you please let me know the part
number, so I can go get some?

Thanks alot!

Christopher Fortin, Ph.D. EE, Senior_Scientist at BBN <chris at>
The magic BOFH-phrase you need to summon at this point is: "_Your_
lack of planning is not about to become _my_ emergency."  -- Tanuki

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