mounting mtd device

Cam Mayor cmayor at
Fri Sep 19 12:49:43 EDT 2003

On Friday 19 September 2003 10:32, Luca Contini wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've successfully compiled the mtd subsystem as a module (mtdblock.o and
> mtd_blkdevs.o).
> I've also successfully inserted those modules using insmod utility, so that
> now I can see the mtdblock block device (major number 31) in the
> /proc/devices list.
> But when I try to mount the corresponding /dev/mtdblock0 device to /mnt/mtd
> I got the following error:
> ** mount: /dev/mtdblock0: unknown device **
> The /dev/mtdblock0 device relies on major number 31, minor number 0 and is
> a block device.
> Also, I've placed a
> printk("<1>open\n")
> in the 'blktrans_open' function to see whether the mount is at least trying
> to open the device but with no result.
> Does anyone know why?

I'm new to MTD, but i don't see enough information here.  How did you try and 
mount it?  For instance, did you do "mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/mtd", 
or did you just type "mount /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/mtd"?  (jffs2 is an arbitrary 

Is your device actually detected?  Just because you have the module installed 
and showing up in /proc/devices doesn't mean it was detected.  what does 
/proc/mtd say?  For instance, mine says:
# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00800000 00020000 "flash"
mtd1: 0000c000 00000010 "SRAM"
mtd2: 00000080 00010000 "BootROM"
mtd3: 00800000 00020000 "Physically mapped flash"
mtd4: 00400000 00020000 "system"
mtd5: 00400000 00020000 "userarea"
mtd6: 09000000 00004000 "guidenand"

this shows which mtd devices are actually there to be accessed.


Cameron Mayor
Iders Incorporated

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