GRUB on DoC Millennium/2000 - Instructions

Mark Meade mark at
Mon Jun 24 11:19:10 EDT 2002

Peter Keel wrote:
> I'd love to. Of course, for some reason my grub can't read the
> filesystem on the disk. The Question now is:
> "If grub can't read the filesystem, how do I tell grub where the
> kernel resides, and how do I find this out where it is?".


What type of filesystem is on your hard drive?  If it's ext2, GRUB should recognize the
filesystem -- if you just type "kernel (hd0,0)/" and then hit TAB, the auto-completion
feature should give you a list of possibilities.

If the hard drive you are trying to boot from has a filesystem other than ext2, you would
need to rebuild GRUB to support it -- the "./configure" script used in the instructions
explicitly disabled all other types of filesystems.


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