DOC2000 and Grub

Matt Vestal vestal at
Tue Jun 11 12:13:54 EDT 2002

I 'm having the same problem as others who have posted, in getting the
"Selected disk does not exist" error.  I'm using a 96MB DOC with a
VersaLogic VSBC-8 motherboard.

-using Grub 0.92
-patched with grub-2002-02-19-doc.patch
-ran "aclocal && automake && autoconf"   (needed automake-1.5-8)
-./configure --enable-diskonchip-2000 --enable-ext2fs
-../util/doc_loadbios /dev/mtd0 grub_firmware
-./nftl_format /dev/mtd0 98304
-fdisk /dev/nftla into multiple portions.  also tried leaving it full
-copy over necessary files (kernel and such)

The DOC loads Grub with no problem.  However, Grub has never been able to
see the DOC filesystem(s).  I've tried root (dc0), root (dc0,0), root
(dc0,1), etc, but nothing works.  I always get the "Selected disk does not
exist, error"

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I've been pouring over this for
days, now.



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