Unable to fdisk DOC2000

David Griffith dgriffith at ccimackay.com
Sun May 13 17:15:10 EDT 2001

Hi Sean,
This is exactly what appeared when I first tried the MTD drivers out on my
system (Virgin webplayer hardware - Geode Gxl 200Mhz SBC). I had to modify
the delay in doc2000.c to be 4 times as long before it would work.

There's a post further back in the list that has a little more detail, and a
small patch that does it is at

Note that this *really* kills DoC read/write performance....  one day I
might see about adjusting all the delays in there.

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Simmons" <ssimmons at rdinstruments.com>
To: <linux-mtd at lists.infradead.org>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 6:17 AM
Subject: Unable to fdisk DOC2000

> Hello,
>    I'm using a stock 2.4.4 kernel with the MTD driver
> compiled into the kernel.  I've managed to get the driver to
> recognize the DOC so that it says:
> M-Systems DiskOnChip driver. (C) 1999 Machine Vision Holdings, Inc.
> DiskOnChip 2000 found at address 0xCE000
> Flash chip found: Manufacturer ID: 98, Chip ID: 73 (Toshiba TH58V128DC)
> 1 flash chips found. Total DiskOnChip size: 16 Mb
> The FTL driver, however gives:
> ftl_cs: FTL header not found.
> The NFTL driver then says:
> M-Systems NAND Flash Translation Layer driver. (C) 1999 MVHI
> $Id: nftl.c,v 1.57 2000/12/01 17:51:54 dwmw2 Exp $
> Could not find valid boot record
> Could not mount NFTL device
> According to a post I saw earlier, this means the DOC is "hosed"
> and needs to be formatted.  When I run nftl_format I get:
> Erase size not 8 Kb - I'm confused
> I removed the check for the erase size as someone else suggested
> and nftl_format appeared to work okay going through Phase 1, 2a,
> 2b, and 3 with no errors.
> However, when I try to fdisk /dev/nftla I get:
> Unable to open /dev/nftla
> When I cat /proc/mtd I get:
> mtd0: 01000000 "DiskOnChip 2000"
> which looks different than I expected.
> Does anybody have any idea why fdisk won't work?
> Thanks,
> Sean Simmons
> Lead Firmware Engineer                    9855 Businesspark Ave
> RD Instruments                            San Diego, CA 92131
> email:  ssimmons at rdinstruments.com        phone:  (858)693-1178
> web:    http://www.rdinstruments.com      fax:    (858)695-1459
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