Axis log based flash filesystem ported to 2.3 and MTD

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Mon Mar 27 03:23:38 EST 2000

Forgive me for reposting private mails to the list, but it seems that some 
introductions are in order....

alex at said (re Axis' JFFS):
>  This filesystem is really needed since the ftl layer has patent
> problem and this one seems totally free. 

sanders at said:
>  From what little I understand about the M-systems' patent, it
> basically patented the idea of using an array to do the translation
> and I would guess that Axis' work would violate that.

kwonsk at said:
> If i could not use FTL layer on the direct flash chip under GPL, then
> what mtd Layer (FFS from MS?) should i choose without license
> problems?

I'm not really sure about the patent issues - I'm just glad I live in the Free
World (for now). It's probably best discussed on the list than in private mail 
with my clueless self.

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