Request: examples of using LILO or GRUB to boot from DOC

Christian Lademann cal at
Wed Jul 26 15:25:09 EDT 2000

I am trying hard to get a 4Mb DoC to boot something else but MS-DOS.
Could somebody please mail me her/his lilo-
or grub-configuration?
Is there currently a working way to boot Linux from a DOC using free
software, anyhow?

cu, Christian.

*  Christian A. Lademann, ZLS Software GmbH               mailto:cal at
*  ZLS Software GmbH
*  Frankfurter Strasse 59       Postfach 1628             mailto:zls at
*  D-65779 Kelkheim             D-65766 Kelkheim
*  Telefon +49-6195-9902-0      Telefax +49-6195-900600
*  Geschäftsführer John A. Shuter     -     Amtsgericht Königstein HRB 3105

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