additions and corrections to cfi_cmdset_0002.c

Simon Munton Simon.Munton at
Mon Jul 24 09:42:47 EDT 2000

I found a problem when writing to the second or subsequent set of chips: the
commands to write/erase the chips were being sent to the first chip only.

It seems to be working OK on my system which has 4x 2MB AM29LV017 flash
devices. I've mounted JFFS on it, and successfully copied/deleted files. The
only "problem" I've had is when deleting files - it takes tens of seconds to
finish. I guess this is down to the garbage collection - several flash
erases occur, and if I compare a before and after dump of the flash, it
would appear that everything has moved around. The filesystem was ~65% used
before the delete, ~54% used after the delete. But so far I've not had any
files being corrupted.

The include diff also includes the following from my earlier post (for which
i apologise for forgetting the subject!):

>I've added a set of xxx_2_by_8 routines to cfi_cmdset_0002.c to support the
>hardware I'm using.

>I also added code in cfi_amdext_setup() to select the correct routines
>on buswidth and interleave.



Simon Munton	simonm at
M4 Data Ltd	Tel: 44-1749-683800
Mendip Court, Bath Rd, Wells	Fax: 44-1749-673928
Somerset, BA5 3DG, England

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