Get machine type in user-space

Russell King - ARM Linux linux at
Thu Jun 20 15:05:08 EDT 2013

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 08:15:17PM +0200, Per Strandh wrote:
> If the kernel supports more than one "machine type", the the one that
> are specified by the bootloader will be choosen.
> If the kernel only supports one "machine type" that will *always* be choosen.
> Question:
> Is it possible from user-space to find out the "machine type" that was
> passed from the bootloader?
> I know that in /proc/cpuinfo it is possible to see that "name" of the
> choosen "machine type", but not if it was the correct one.

That "name" always reflects what was decided upon when the kernel
interprets that machine type ID.  It isn't the actual ID but name
of the platform string, which is itself tied to the type ID.

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