[PATCH V12 3/4] arm64: dts: qcom: Add support for ipq9574 SoC and RDP433 variant

Devi Priya quic_devipriy at quicinc.com
Fri Apr 14 03:58:31 PDT 2023

On 4/14/2023 4:27 PM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 14.04.2023 12:01, Devi Priya wrote:
>> On 4/13/2023 2:16 AM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
>>> On 10.04.2023 15:59, Devi Priya wrote:
>>>> Add initial device tree support for Qualcomm IPQ9574 SoC and
>>>> Reference Design Platform(RDP) 433 which is based on IPQ9574
>>>> family of SoCs
>>>> Co-developed-by: Anusha Rao <quic_anusha at quicinc.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Anusha Rao <quic_anusha at quicinc.com>
>>>> Co-developed-by: Poovendhan Selvaraj <quic_poovendh at quicinc.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Poovendhan Selvaraj <quic_poovendh at quicinc.com>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Devi Priya <quic_devipriy at quicinc.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> +    soc: soc at 0 {
>>>> +        compatible = "simple-bus";
>>>> +        #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +        #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +        ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>;
>>> this is equal to:
>>> ranges;
>> Konrad, on updating (ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>; --> ranges;)
>> we see the below warnings:
>> arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq9574.dtsi:103.3-10: Warning (ranges_format):
>> /soc at 0:ranges: empty "ranges" property but its #address-cells (1)
>> differs from / (2)
>> arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ipq9574.dtsi:103.3-10: Warning (ranges_format): /soc at 0:ranges: empty "ranges" property but its #size-cells (1) differs
>> from / (2)
>> Looks like, empty ranges property isn't supported if the parent and
>> child address spaces are non-identical.
>> Would you suggest to retain the ranges as such?
>> (ranges = <0 0 0 0xffffffff>;)
>> Thanks,
>> Devi Priya
> Oh right, you have address/size cells = 2 at the top level.
> Forget about this change.
Yup, thanks!

Best Regards,
Devi Priya
> Konrad
>>> Could you fix that up when applying, Bjorn, should there be
>>> no other issues?
>>> Reviewed-by: Konrad Dybcio <konrad.dybcio at linaro.org>
>> Thank you!
>>> Konrad
>>>> +
>>>> +        tlmm: pinctrl at 1000000 {
>>>> +            compatible = "qcom,ipq9574-tlmm";
>>>> +            reg = <0x01000000 0x300000>;
>>>> +            interrupts = <GIC_SPI 208 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +            gpio-controller;
>>>> +            #gpio-cells = <2>;
>>>> +            gpio-ranges = <&tlmm 0 0 65>;
>>>> +            interrupt-controller;
>>>> +            #interrupt-cells = <2>;
>>>> +
>>>> +            uart2_pins: uart2-state {
>>>> +                pins = "gpio34", "gpio35";
>>>> +                function = "blsp2_uart";
>>>> +                drive-strength = <8>;
>>>> +                bias-disable;
>>>> +            };
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +        gcc: clock-controller at 1800000 {
>>>> +            compatible = "qcom,ipq9574-gcc";
>>>> +            reg = <0x01800000 0x80000>;
>>>> +            clocks = <&xo_board_clk>,
>>>> +                 <&sleep_clk>,
>>>> +                 <0>,
>>>> +                 <0>,
>>>> +                 <0>,
>>>> +                 <0>,
>>>> +                 <0>;
>>>> +            #clock-cells = <1>;
>>>> +            #reset-cells = <1>;
>>>> +            #power-domain-cells = <1>;
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +        sdhc_1: mmc at 7804000 {
>>>> +            compatible = "qcom,ipq9574-sdhci", "qcom,sdhci-msm-v5";
>>>> +            reg = <0x07804000 0x1000>, <0x07805000 0x1000>;
>>>> +            reg-names = "hc", "cqhci";
>>>> +
>>>> +            interrupts = <GIC_SPI 123 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
>>>> +                     <GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +            interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq";
>>>> +
>>>> +            clocks = <&gcc GCC_SDCC1_AHB_CLK>,
>>>> +                 <&gcc GCC_SDCC1_APPS_CLK>,
>>>> +                 <&xo_board_clk>;
>>>> +            clock-names = "iface", "core", "xo";
>>>> +            non-removable;
>>>> +            status = "disabled";
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +        blsp1_uart2: serial at 78b1000 {
>>>> +            compatible = "qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.4", "qcom,msm-uartdm";
>>>> +            reg = <0x078b1000 0x200>;
>>>> +            interrupts = <GIC_SPI 306 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +            clocks = <&gcc GCC_BLSP1_UART3_APPS_CLK>,
>>>> +                 <&gcc GCC_BLSP1_AHB_CLK>;
>>>> +            clock-names = "core", "iface";
>>>> +            status = "disabled";
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +        intc: interrupt-controller at b000000 {
>>>> +            compatible = "qcom,msm-qgic2";
>>>> +            reg = <0x0b000000 0x1000>,  /* GICD */
>>>> +                  <0x0b002000 0x2000>,  /* GICC */
>>>> +                  <0x0b001000 0x1000>,  /* GICH */
>>>> +                  <0x0b004000 0x2000>;  /* GICV */
>>>> +            #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +            #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +            interrupt-controller;
>>>> +            #interrupt-cells = <3>;
>>>> +            interrupts = <GIC_PPI 9 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH)>;
>>>> +            ranges = <0 0x0b00c000 0x3000>;
>>>> +
>>>> +            v2m0: v2m at 0 {
>>>> +                compatible = "arm,gic-v2m-frame";
>>>> +                reg = <0x00000000 0xffd>;
>>>> +                msi-controller;
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            v2m1: v2m at 1000 {
>>>> +                compatible = "arm,gic-v2m-frame";
>>>> +                reg = <0x00001000 0xffd>;
>>>> +                msi-controller;
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            v2m2: v2m at 2000 {
>>>> +                compatible = "arm,gic-v2m-frame";
>>>> +                reg = <0x00002000 0xffd>;
>>>> +                msi-controller;
>>>> +            };
>>>> +        };
>>>> +
>>>> +        timer at b120000 {
>>>> +            compatible = "arm,armv7-timer-mem";
>>>> +            reg = <0x0b120000 0x1000>;
>>>> +            #address-cells = <1>;
>>>> +            #size-cells = <1>;
>>>> +            ranges;
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b120000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b121000 0x1000>,
>>>> +                      <0x0b122000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <0>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 8 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
>>>> +                         <GIC_SPI 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b123000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b123000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <1>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 9 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +                status = "disabled";
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b124000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b124000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <2>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +                status = "disabled";
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b125000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b125000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <3>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 11 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +                status = "disabled";
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b126000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b126000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <4>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 12 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +                status = "disabled";
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b127000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b127000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <5>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 13 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +                status = "disabled";
>>>> +            };
>>>> +
>>>> +            frame at b128000 {
>>>> +                reg = <0x0b128000 0x1000>;
>>>> +                frame-number = <6>;
>>>> +                interrupts = <GIC_SPI 14 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
>>>> +                status = "disabled";
>>>> +            };
>>>> +        };
>>>> +    };
>>>> +
>>>> +    timer {
>>>> +        compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
>>>> +        interrupts = <GIC_PPI 2 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW)>,
>>>> +                 <GIC_PPI 3 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW)>,
>>>> +                 <GIC_PPI 4 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW)>,
>>>> +                 <GIC_PPI 1 (GIC_CPU_MASK_SIMPLE(4) | IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW)>;
>>>> +    };
>>>> +};

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