i.MX7 clock support broken

Sascha Hauer s.hauer at pengutronix.de
Tue Feb 7 06:22:25 PST 2017

Hi All,

I recently adopted the i.MX7 clock tree from Linux to barebox and wondered
why ethernet doesn't work. I found out that the clock tree in Linux is quite
different from what the reference manual describes and also quite different
from the hardware I have on my desk. There are several clocks that only exist
in the driver, but not in the actual hardware and also several clocks which
are in hardware, but not in the driver.

These clocks exist in the driver only, but not in the hardware:

clks[IMX7D_ARM_A7_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("arm_a7_root_clk", "arm_a7_div", base + 0x4000, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ARM_M4_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("arm_m4_root_clk", "arm_m4_div", base + 0x4010, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ARM_M0_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("arm_m0_root_clk", "arm_m0_div", base + 0x4020, 0);
clks[IMX7D_USB_HSIC_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("usb_hsic_root_clk", "usb_hsic_post_div", base + 0x4420, 0);
clks[IMX7D_PCIE_PHY_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("pcie_phy_root_clk", "pcie_phy_post_div", base + 0x4600, 0);
clks[IMX7D_SPDIF_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("spdif_root_clk", "spdif_post_div", base + 0x44d0, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ENET1_REF_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("enet1_ref_root_clk", "enet1_ref_post_div", base + 0x44e0, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ENET1_TIME_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("enet1_time_root_clk", "enet1_time_post_div", base + 0x44f0, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ENET2_REF_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("enet2_ref_root_clk", "enet2_ref_post_div", base + 0x4500, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ENET2_TIME_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("enet2_time_root_clk", "enet2_time_post_div", base + 0x4510, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ENET_PHY_REF_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("enet_phy_ref_root_clk", "enet_phy_ref_post_div", base + 0x4520, 0);
clks[IMX7D_AUDIO_MCLK_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("audio_mclk_root_clk", "audio_mclk_post_div", base + 0x4790, 0);
clks[IMX7D_WRCLK_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("wrclk_root_clk", "wrclk_post_div", base + 0x47a0, 0);
clks[IMX7D_ADC_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("adc_root_clk", "ipg_root_clk", base + 0x4200, 0);

And these clocks are described in the reference manual, but not handled
in the driver:

CCM_CCGR7 sim_m 0x4070
CCM_CCGR8 sim_s 0x4080
CCM_CCGR9 sim_wakeup 0x4090
CCM_CCGR10 ipmux1 0x40A0
CCM_CCGR11 ipmux2 0x40B0
CCM_CCGR12 ipmux3 0x40C0
CCM_CCGR16 rom 0x4100
CCM_CCGR33 anatop 0x4210
CCM_CCGR34 sctr 0x4220
CCM_CCGR35 ocotp 0x4230
CCM_CCGR36 caam 0x4240
CCM_CCGR37 snvs 0x4250
CCM_CCGR38 rdc 0x4260
CCM_CCGR39 mu 0x4270
CCM_CCGR40 hs 0x4280
CCM_CCGR41 dvfs 0x4290
CCM_CCGR42 qos 0x42A0
CCM_CCGR43 qos_dispmix 0x42B0
CCM_CCGR44 qos_megamix 0x42C0
CCM_CCGR45 csu 0x42D0
CCM_CCGR46 dbgmon 0x42E0
CCM_CCGR47 debug 0x42F0
CCM_CCGR49 sec_debug 0x4310
CCM_CCGR64 sema1 0x4400
CCM_CCGR65 sema2 0x4410
CCM_CCGR68 perfmon1 0x4440
CCM_CCGR69 perfmon2 0x4450
CCM_CCGR76 pxp 0x44C0
CCM_CCGR104 usb_ctrl 0x4680
CCM_CCGR105 usb_hsic 0x4690
CCM_CCGR106 usb_phy1 0x46A0
CCM_CCGR107 usb_phy2 0x46B0
CCM_CCGR112 enet1 0x4700
CCM_CCGR113 enet2 0x4710
CCM_CCGR160 gpio1 0x4A00
CCM_CCGR161 gpio2 0x4A10
CCM_CCGR162 gpio3 0x4A20
CCM_CCGR163 gpio4 0x4A30
CCM_CCGR164 gpio5 0x4A40
CCM_CCGR165 gpio6 0x4A50
CCM_CCGR166 gpio7 0x4A60
CCM_CCGR168 iomux 0x4A80
CCM_CCGR169 iomux_lpsr 0x4A90
CCM_CCGR170 kpp 0x4AA0

It seems most stuff works in the Kernel when the clocks are left
enabled in the bootloader, but for example the real ethernet clocks
are never handled in the kernel.

Also I stumbled upon the gate at offset 0x4130. The same gate is
registered as 5 different gates in the kernel without being handled
as a shared gate:

clks[IMX7D_NAND_USDHC_BUS_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("nand_usdhc_root_clk", "nand_usdhc_post_div", base + 0x4130, 0);
clks[IMX7D_DRAM_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("dram_root_clk", "dram_post_div", base + 0x4130, 0);
clks[IMX7D_DRAM_PHYM_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("dram_phym_root_clk", "dram_phym_cg", base + 0x4130, 0);
clks[IMX7D_DRAM_PHYM_ALT_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("dram_phym_alt_root_clk", "dram_phym_alt_post_div", base + 0x4130, 0);
clks[IMX7D_DRAM_ALT_ROOT_CLK] = imx_clk_gate4("dram_alt_root_clk", "dram_alt_post_div", base + 0x4130, 0);

I don't have a patch for this, just hope that somebody @NXP has a better
clue what's going on and maybe there already is a fix somewhere floating


Pengutronix e.K.                           |                             |
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