[RFC DTC PATCH] dtc: add symlink (-L) output to dtbs

Jason Gunthorpe jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com
Thu Nov 14 14:16:22 EST 2013

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 12:00:24PM -0700, Stephen Warren wrote:

> I don't think a distro should need to know the DTB filename at all.
> Rather, the/a bootloader should know which platform it's running on, and
> provide a variable/... to the boot script/... that defines the DTB
> filename. That would completely remove all the knowledge of DTB
> filenames from distros.

At some point the distro has to install a dtb into some cannonical
place so the bootloader can find it..

Are you thinking that distros will have to ship a /boot/dtbs/*.dtb
with every dtb from the kernel build?

What happens when you install two different versions of the kernel?

What about boot schemes that can load a kernel version dependent dtb?

I've said this before - I really think the kernel community will do
itself a big favor if it encourages boot schemes that can handle a
kernel version dependent dtb, rather that design schemes that
absolutely can't allow for that.


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