[PATCH] pinctrl: resurrect verbose pinmux-pins

Stephen Warren swarren at nvidia.com
Fri Mar 2 12:22:14 EST 2012

Linus Walleij wrote at riday, March 02, 2012 9:31 AM:
> From: Linus Walleij <linus.walleij at linaro.org>
> This reintroduces the verbosity in the pinmux-pins file, now this
> file will list all pins, their names, owning device (and if it's
> a hog) and also in applicable cases the function and group making
> use of that pin right now.
> Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <linus.walleij at linaro.org>

It'd be nice if we could defer this fix until after all the API rework,
because it'll cause all kinds of conflicts otherwise.

The type "struct pinmux_group" you added to struct pin_desc is removed by
patches in my series. If this patch goes in before my series, it'd be best
if it just stored the char* for the function instead of that type, so the
rework by my patche series will be smaller.

I don't think it make sense to store a "group" as owning a pin; each pin
should be part of one muxing group as defined by the hardware so there isn't
a concept of "which group acquired the pin", just "which function is
programmed on the pin". Even if multiple "virtual groups" contain a pin
(which I think would be a bad idea) then the important information from a
HW perspective is the function and not the arbitrary group name.


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