Issues with all kernels after 3.3.7

Alan M Butler alanbutty12 at
Sat Aug 18 05:20:29 EDT 2012

I have been experimenting with building the kernels under 3 seperate
virtual machines

ubuntu 11.10
ubuntu 12.04
ubuntu 12.10

and even when i recompile a new fresh 3.3.7 kernel im seeing the issue
with git hanging
or crashing the device.

Is there an official or best way to compile an arm debian kernel?
armv5te i believe it is

The 2 main ways i have tired to compile the kernel are found on the 2
following sites:,6010,7629

but for some reason now even on a newly installed virtual machine i
have the issue's i mentioned before.

to restate them:

using git clone hang's / crashes the device.

hang at boot when mounting the ext4 .raid 0

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