[PATCH v5 3/4] drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-at91.c: add new driver

Voss, Nikolaus N.Voss at weinmann.de
Wed Nov 23 09:34:42 EST 2011

Hi Carsten,

Carsten Behling wrote on 2011-11-23:
> I think it must be:
> +		for (i = 0; i < msg->len; ++i) {
> +			internal_address |= ((unsigned)msg->buf[msg->len-1-i]) << (8 * i);
> +			int_addr_flag += AT91_TWI_IADRSZ_1;
> +		}
> +		at91_twi_write(dev, AT91_TWI_IADR, internal_address);

yes, I think you're right. I tested only with 8 bit addresses
(msg->len = 1), so I haven't seen this error.

I will modify the patch and post it later today.

Thanks for this feedback,

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