[Ksummit-2011-discuss] ARM Maintainers workshop at Kernel Summit 2011

Olof Johansson olof at lixom.net
Sat Aug 6 09:59:00 EDT 2011

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Grant Likely <grant.likely at secretlab.ca> wrote:

> However, for it to be successful we need to put together a draft
> agenda quickly.  Kernel summit is only 80 days away, and people need
> time to get approval and organise travel.  So, if you're interested in
> attending, then we need to know ASAP.  Reply to this email if you're
> interested.

With 99% certainty I will be there (but I haven't been invited to the
closed KS day).

Do we want to cover technical topics, or keep it process-oriented like
the rest of KS? Many technical topics seem to be covered within Linaro
these days, so some of those topics would only make sense if there's
enough non-Linaro people there that would care about whatever is

I'd like to hear from Arnd what his experiences from this first merge
window were -- what worked well and where's room for improvement? Any
particular SoC workflow that should be tuned to make his life easier?
Where are the gaps where he needs help right now? And how did it work
out for the SoC maintainers?


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