RFC: Status of kernel/fiq.c

Nicolas Pitre nicolas.pitre at linaro.org
Tue Apr 5 23:09:12 EDT 2011

On Tue, 5 Apr 2011, Dave Martin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've hit a Thumb-2 compatibility issue in the assembler functions
> in kernel/fiq.c, and I'm wondering how to proceed.
> With regard to set_fiq_regs() and get_fiq_regs(), does anyone know:
>   * whether we still need the stack frame manipulation code in this
> 	leaf function, e.g.
>         "mov    ip, sp\n\
>         stmfd  sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}\n\
>         sub    fp, ip, #4\n\
> 	etc.

You could use #ifdef CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER ... #endif around it.

>   * what the nop (mov r0,r0) after the CPSR writes is for
>         (I'm guessing there may have been some 1-instruction hazard
>         here for some old processors, but I'm not aware of a need
>         for this in anything current.)

It may not hurt either.

>   * should anyone be using fiq.c on v7 platforms?
> As the code stands, it could also go wrong if the compiler
> happens to allocate r8-r12 or lr for one of the inline asm
> constraints -- though this is pretty unlikely to happen, and
> I doubt if it ever has happened in practice.

I don't think this is a high concern indeed.

> To make this Thumb-2/v7 compatible, I'd prefer to recode a single
> version that works for ARM and Thumb and avoids deprecated
> instruction forms, but that may result in some ugly ifdefs to work
> around the stack frame manipulation etc., unless we can conclude
> that that code isn't needed.

I don't think this is really needed. Many other assembly coded functions 
in the kernel don't have frame pointer handling at all.  If some 
backtrace is ever generated from within this function then the call 
trace will still show the caller.

> Splitting these functions out into a separate assembler file might
> also make sense, since that makes it impossible for the compiler
> to mess things up, and makes is possible to use ARM()/THUMB()
> which is a bit cleaner than #ifdefs.

That could effectively be a cleaner solution.


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