[PATCH] ARM: add support for uncompressed uImage kernel

Alexander Stein alexander.stein at systec-electronic.com
Thu Nov 18 02:38:26 EST 2010

Soory for late answer,

On Saturday 13 November 2010, 11:47:41 Albin Tonnerre wrote:
> <linux at arm.linux.org.uk> wrote:
> > Is it really faster to copy an uncompressed image than it is to
> > decompress using LZMA with caches on?
> In my experience, using LZMA is painfully slow on older ARM CPUs.
> If you really need to boot quickly you might want to try LZO, which
> should give you results close to the uncompressed performance. It
> might still be slower though, especially if you're able to load your
> kernel image to memory fairly quickly

We only have experience with GZIP. Our compressed kernel is ~1,8MB and 
uncompressed ~4MB.
On an AT91 ARM9 SoC the decompression takes about 1-2s of time. Caches should 
be disabled, as far as I could see in decompression code.
Copying the uncompressed kernel from NOR to SD-RAM takes about 140ms. So if 
you can afford the additional storage need, simply copying the uncompressed 
kernel is much faster than copying the compressed kernel which decompresses 

Best regards,

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