Samsung S3C6410 / SmartQ / 2D acceleration / Xorg

Ben Dooks ben-linux at
Tue Sep 15 19:34:30 EDT 2009

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 02:49:42PM +0900, Harald Welte wrote:
> Dear David,
> > I have a fairly decent SmartQ5/7 config and mach-smartq init file.  Much of
> > this work (that I can test) can be back ported to the smdk6410 (that I can't
> > test. :-)
> So you're hacking on the SmartQ devices?  I recently discovered that they exist and I was
> very intrigued in buying one. 

> yes, a regular userspace Xorg EXA driver makes probably much more sense.
> If the polling turns out to waste too many cycles, we can still think of some
> interrupt-to-userspace delivery mechanism where we don't need to busy-wait
> in the Xorg driver.

does uio support wait-for-interrupt?


Q:      What's a light-year?
A:      One-third less calories than a regular year.

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