AFS Tech Workshop June 12-14 - Site Report Submission Deadline tomorrow April 18
Jeffrey E Altman
jaltman at
Mon Apr 17 12:39:21 PDT 2023
Dear Community,
This year's AFS Technologies Workshop is scheduled for Monday June 12th
to Wednesday June 14th and will be held as a virtual conference
beginning each day at 9:30am EDT (UTC-4) and ending at 3pm EDT (UTC-4).
The deadline for the call for presentations which includes Site Reports
is tomorrow April 18th.
If you are considering attending the workshop please submit a request to
present a Site Report. Not only will your active participation via a
site report increase the value of the workshop for all attendees but as
per the conference web site.
The workshop registration fee will be refunded for speakers.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Site Reports
* Best Practices and Lessons Learned
* Novel use cases for AFS
* Tools and technology integration
* Performance, networking, security
* Testing and test automation
* Or anything else AFS related you would like to discuss or showcase
Come share with the community how your organization uses AuriStorFS,
OpenAFS or any other AFS implementation with your peers. Share what
excites you, what bores you, and even what worries you.
A site report does not need to be complicated or even particularly
long. Consider it as an ice breaker for conversations that might take
place in the virtual hallway between sessions. Or to educate other
speakers about what questions you would like to have answered during the
rest of the workshop.
A ten minute site report can be as simple as answering the following
questions about yourself, your organization and your deployments:
* who are you?
* how long have you administered AuriStorFS or AFS cells?
* who is your organization?
* where is your organization located?
* what is the core mission of your organization?
* how does /afs contribute to satisfying that mission?
* how many cells?
* how many fileserver and databaservers in each?
* are the cell's infrastructure in one location or spread across
multiple data centers and or clouds?
* how old is the cell? (Creation date of "root.afs" and/or "root.cell")
* how many volumes?
* what is the largest volume by number of vnodes or total storage?
* how many clients?
* what kind of clients? personal laptops, compute nodes, web
services, IoT, other?
* what are the primary use cases?
* how are servers deployed? bare metal? virtual machines? containers?
* how are clients deployed? bare metal? virtual machines? kubernetes /
openshift? other?
* what do you use for configuration management?
* what do you use for disaster recovery?
* what Kerberos implementations are used for authentication?
* are the cell(s) open to the public Internet or locked behind firewalls?
* what are the greatest benefits of /afs to your organization?
* what are the greatest fears?
* what do you wish to learn by attending this workshop?
I realize the deadline is fast approaching but please consider
submitting a Site Report request. All that is required by the deadline
is an abstract, not the fully written presentation.
If you are interested in presenting something more substantial than a
site report either alone or in conjunction with someone else, please
draft an abstract and submit the idea.
Thank you for your consideration of my request.
Jeffrey Altman
P.S. I am not a member of the workshop organizing committee.
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