ETAs for libusbx operability and first release?

Segher Boessenkool segher at
Mon Jan 30 11:01:23 EST 2012

>> The next release can be done just one month later. The idea is to  
>> show
>> that the project is alive and moving (RERO).
> I'd see 2 months later as a more reasonable target, especially if  
> you guys want libusb0.sys/libusbK.sys support for Windows.

I'd like to do the first release with actual changes pretty soon after
the 1.0.9 release.  The regular cadence should become something like
three or four months I'd say.  We'll see how short we can reasonably
make it, esp. for that first release.

> There will probably be quite a few things we'll want in 1.0.10, and  
> we'll probably have to decide what to leave for later, so I think 1  
> month might be a bit short to process all that.

It's rather easy: if it's ready, it can go in, if not, not.  And at
any point the tree is in a releasable state, so we can release
whenever we feel like it.

More realistically of course, big (or otherwise risky) changes should
go in just after a release so there is plenty of time to shake out
any problems.  Such a change would be the mswindows driver thing for
that release.

> It's also quite difficult to provide an ETA for a release without  
> having at least some idea of what will go into that release...

That's the wrong way around!  We have a release every N months, we
decide what goes on based on that, not the other way around.  _That_
is the main problem with libusb IMO.


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