[LEDE-DEV] LEDE version numbers?

Matthias Schiffer mschiffer at universe-factory.net
Mon Nov 6 22:44:54 PST 2017

On 11/07/2017 07:23 AM, David Lang wrote:
> 17.01 is pointer to a particular commit on the master branch
> I haven't looked at the specific method used for the r# generation, but I
> think it's incremented daily

r# is the number of commits since the "reboot" tag. If your local branch
(e.g. "master") has a upstream branch (e.g. "origin/master"), it will use
number and commit ID of the last common commit of both branches, and add
the number of local commits with a + (e.g. "r4601+95-1ab227d688" - the last
common commit is 1ab227d688, 4601 after "reboot", and there are 95 local
commits that aren't upstream). Basically, we tried to mimic the "revision
ID" SVN provided for the old OpenWrt trunk, adding some extra information
provided by git.

You can look at the generation of this ID in scripts/getver.sh. At the
moment, getver.sh doesn't distinguish between the master and lede-17.01
branches, so if you're unsure what branch an image is based on, you need to
look up the commit ID. There have been a few attempts to improve this (
http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/779410/ ,
http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/785975/ ), but there is no decision how
we want to handle this so far.

For master commits, you can conveniently use the r# numbers on
git.lede-project.org to link to commits, e.g.
https://git.lede-project.org/r4601 .


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