[LEDE-DEV] New lede->openwrt build, missing ubifs firmware build

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Thu Dec 14 03:52:26 PST 2017

>>>>> "Arjen" == Arjen de Korte <arjen+lede at de-korte.org> writes:

Arjen> May I kindly suggest your read the git commit logs before
Arjen> posting? The reasons for dropping this are described in the
Arjen> commit that removed support for ubifs. Or subscribe to the commit
Arjen> messages, so that you're informed about changes being made.

Arjen> If you're using the development snapshot, you're supposed to keep
Arjen> track of changes yourself. There will be no announcements other
Arjen> than the commit messages about things that have changed.

Fwiw, as a general principle, I don't think it is entirely unreasonable
to expect some kind of public discussion before removing features, which
would give people a chance to make a case for keeping it.

Maybe that happened, I wasn't paying attention (and don't particularly
care) in this case.

Russell Senior
russell at personaltelco.net

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