[LEDE-DEV] [PATCH odhcpd 1/5] config: Support infinite as DHCP pool leasetime value

Karl Palsson karlp at tweak.net.au
Thu Nov 17 14:13:32 PST 2016

Hans Dedecker <dedeckeh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Add support for infinite leasetime value; this can be done by
> specifying "infinite" as leasetime value which is similar to
> dnsmasq infinite leasetime support. Specifying "infinite" as
> leasetime is valid for both the host and dhcp uci sections. A
> DHCPv4/DHCPv6 assignment is now considered infinite if
> valid_unil holds the value 0.

Can you specify "0" in uci too? that's a really common way of
saying never, I've not ever seen a config file that needed the
word "infinite" before

Karl Palsson
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