[LEDE-DEV] ACL kernel config options and 3.18

John Crispin john at phrozen.org
Tue Jun 7 03:13:51 PDT 2016

On 07/06/2016 11:02, Daniel Curran-Dickinson wrote:
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> Hi John,
> I don't have a platform that is currently using 3.18, and on ar71xx I
> can't even get 3.18 to get a proper kernel config never mind build, so
> can we simply turn off the ACL config options for 3.18 and omit worrying
> about getting the patch verified for that kernel version?
> TBH I'm not sure there are any platforms anyone is actually using or
> developing for on a regular basis that are still on 3.18.  It seems to
> me that archs still on 3.18 are basically unloved cruft that perhaps
> should be cleaned out rather than kept in tree.
> Regards,
> Daniel


a V4.4 only series should be fine. we are moving all kernels to v4/4
anyhow. please compile etst it on a 3.18 and 4.1 target nonetheless please


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