[LEDE-DEV] [PATCH 3/3] bcm53xx: build factory images for WZR-900DHP series

Mathias Kresin dev at kresin.me
Tue Dec 20 00:10:55 PST 2016

14.12.2016 18:41, FUKAUMI Naoki:
> only DHP-EU and DHP2-JP (fw ver. 2.x) images are built for now.
> it seems DHP-JP/AP/TW (fw ver. 1.x) use different buffalo_csum() formula,
> so this may not work for them. (not confirmed)
> Signed-off-by: FUKAUMI Naoki <naobsd at gmail.com>
> ---
>  target/linux/bcm53xx/image/Makefile | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/target/linux/bcm53xx/image/Makefile b/target/linux/bcm53xx/image/Makefile
> index 853c9b2..d612b26 100644
> --- a/target/linux/bcm53xx/image/Makefile
> +++ b/target/linux/bcm53xx/image/Makefile
> @@ -84,6 +84,35 @@ define Build/seama-nand
>  		-i $@.entity
>  endef
> +define Build/dhp-factory-image
> +	$(eval product=$(word 1,$(1)))
> +	$(eval region=$(word 2,$(1)))
> +	$(eval language=$(word 3,$(1)))
> +	( \
> +		echo $(product)_9.99_9.99_$(region)_bcm; \
> +		echo filelen=$$(stat -c%s $@); \
> +		cat $@ \
> +	) > $@.trx
> +	$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/buffalo-enc \
> +		-m 'start' \
> +		-p $(product) -v '9.99' \
> +		-i $@.trx -o $@.trx.enc
> +	$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/buffalo-tag \
> +		-a bcm \
> +		-b $(product) -p $(product) \
> +		-l $(language) -r $(region) -r $(region) \
> +		-s \
> +		-v '9.99' -m '9.99' \
> +		-w 1 \
> +		-I $@.trx.enc -o $@.tag
> +	$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/buffalo-enc \
> +		-m 'start' \
> +		-p '' -v '' \
> +		-i $@.tag -o $@.tag.enc
> +	$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkdhpimg \
> +		$@.tag.enc $@.trx.enc $@
> +endef

Please split the whole block into single Build defines. This way we you 
can reuse the build steps for the WSR-1166DHP/WSR-1166DHP2 for example 
instead of adding the same chain of commands again.

Personally I prefer to prepend the unencrypted tag to the image and 
encrypt only the tag within the image in a next step instead of creating 
an external tag file, encrypt it and prepend it to the image.

Doing it this way, your factory image build code could be something like 

IMAGE/factory-DHP-EU.bin := append-ubi | trx-nand | 
buffalo-wzr-900dhp-header |  buffalo-enc -param a -param b | buffalo-tag 
-param a -param b | buffalo-enc-tag -size $tagsize | mkdhpimg

If the buffalo-tag has a fixed size, it might be more elegant to move 
the size param of buffalo-enc-tag to the Build define.

It's obviously to me that you have way more knowledge about Buffalo 
factory images than I. Therefore I have not set the patches to "changes 
requested" in patchwork yet. Might be possible that I've missed 
something and the outlined way would not work or there isn't any benefit 
of doing it this way.

Would be great if you could give me a feedback on this.


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