[openwrt/openwrt] wifi-scripts: remove leftover legacy (non-netifd) wifi script support

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Wed Dec 4 06:00:05 PST 2024

nbd pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch main:

commit d1275392916522d664e710752c517246540cbf73
Author: Felix Fietkau <nbd at nbd.name>
AuthorDate: Tue Nov 19 14:08:38 2024 +0100

    wifi-scripts: remove leftover legacy (non-netifd) wifi script support
    cfg80211 is the only supported wireless API
    Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd at nbd.name>
 .../network/config/wifi-scripts/files/sbin/wifi    | 180 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 180 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files/sbin/wifi b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files/sbin/wifi
index f937dba7e6..c70723560b 100755
--- a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files/sbin/wifi
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files/sbin/wifi
@@ -37,135 +37,22 @@ wifi_isup() {
 	return 0
-find_net_config() {(
-	local vif="$1"
-	local cfg
-	local ifname
-	config_get cfg "$vif" network
-	[ -z "$cfg" ] && {
-		include /lib/network
-		scan_interfaces
-		config_get ifname "$vif" ifname
-		cfg="$(find_config "$ifname")"
-	}
-	[ -z "$cfg" ] && return 0
-	echo "$cfg"
-bridge_interface() {(
-	local cfg="$1"
-	[ -z "$cfg" ] && return 0
-	include /lib/network
-	scan_interfaces
-	for cfg in $cfg; do
-		config_get iftype "$cfg" type
-		[ "$iftype" = bridge ] && config_get "$cfg" ifname
-		prepare_interface_bridge "$cfg"
-		return $?
-	done
-prepare_key_wep() {
-	local key="$1"
-	local hex=1
-	echo -n "$key" | grep -qE "[^a-fA-F0-9]" && hex=0
-	[ "${#key}" -eq 10 -a $hex -eq 1 ] || \
-	[ "${#key}" -eq 26 -a $hex -eq 1 ] || {
-		[ "${key:0:2}" = "s:" ] && key="${key#s:}"
-		key="$(echo -n "$key" | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%02x" ""')"
-	}
-	echo "$key"
-wifi_fixup_hwmode() {
-	local device="$1"
-	local default="$2"
-	local hwmode hwmode_11n
-	config_get channel "$device" channel
-	config_get hwmode "$device" hwmode
-	case "$hwmode" in
-		11bg) hwmode=bg;;
-		11a) hwmode=a;;
-		11ad) hwmode=ad;;
-		11b) hwmode=b;;
-		11g) hwmode=g;;
-		11n*)
-			hwmode_11n="${hwmode##11n}"
-			case "$hwmode_11n" in
-				a|g) ;;
-				default) hwmode_11n="$default"
-			esac
-			config_set "$device" hwmode_11n "$hwmode_11n"
-		;;
-		*)
-			hwmode=
-			if [ "${channel:-0}" -gt 0 ]; then
-				if [ "${channel:-0}" -gt 14 ]; then
-					hwmode=a
-				else
-					hwmode=g
-				fi
-			else
-				hwmode="$default"
-			fi
-		;;
-	esac
-	config_set "$device" hwmode "$hwmode"
-_wifi_updown() {
-	for device in ${2:-$DEVICES}; do (
-		config_get disabled "$device" disabled
-		[ "$disabled" = "1" ] && {
-			echo "'$device' is disabled"
-			set disable
-		}
-		config_get iftype "$device" type
-		if eval "type ${1}_$iftype" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
-			eval "scan_$iftype '$device'"
-			eval "${1}_$iftype '$device'" || echo "$device($iftype): ${1} failed"
-		elif [ ! -f /lib/netifd/wireless/$iftype.sh ]; then
-			echo "$device($iftype): Interface type not supported"
-		fi
-	); done
 wifi_updown() {
 	[ enable = "$1" ] && {
-		_wifi_updown disable "$2"
 		ubus_wifi_cmd "$cmd" "$2"
 		ubus call network reload
-		scan_wifi
 	[ reconf = "$1" ] && {
 		ubus call network reload
-		scan_wifi
 	ubus_wifi_cmd "$cmd" "$2"
-	_wifi_updown "$@"
-wifi_reload_legacy() {
-	_wifi_updown "disable" "$1"
-	scan_wifi
-	_wifi_updown "enable" "$1"
 wifi_reload() {
 	ubus call network reload
-	wifi_reload_legacy
 wifi_detect_notice() {
@@ -189,75 +76,9 @@ wifi_config() {
 	); done
-start_net() {(
-	local iface="$1"
-	local config="$2"
-	local vifmac="$3"
-	[ -f "/var/run/$iface.pid" ] && kill "$(cat /var/run/${iface}.pid)" 2>/dev/null
-	[ -z "$config" ] || {
-		include /lib/network
-		scan_interfaces
-		for config in $config; do
-			setup_interface "$iface" "$config" "" "$vifmac"
-		done
-	}
-set_wifi_up() {
-	local cfg="$1"
-	local ifname="$2"
-	uci_set_state wireless "$cfg" up 1
-	uci_set_state wireless "$cfg" ifname "$ifname"
-set_wifi_down() {
-	local cfg="$1"
-	local vifs vif vifstr
-	[ -f "/var/run/wifi-${cfg}.pid" ] &&
-		kill "$(cat "/var/run/wifi-${cfg}.pid")" 2>/dev/null
-	uci_revert_state wireless "$cfg"
-	config_get vifs "$cfg" vifs
-	for vif in $vifs; do
-		uci_revert_state wireless "$vif"
-	done
-scan_wifi() {
-	local cfgfile="$1"
-	config_cb() {
-		local type="$1"
-		local section="$2"
-		# section start
-		case "$type" in
-			wifi-device)
-				append DEVICES "$section"
-				config_set "$section" vifs ""
-				config_set "$section" ht_capab ""
-			;;
-		esac
-		# section end
-		case "$TYPE" in
-			wifi-iface)
-				config_get device "$CONFIG_SECTION" device
-				config_get vifs "$device" vifs
-				append vifs "$CONFIG_SECTION"
-				config_set "$device" vifs "$vifs"
-			;;
-		esac
-	}
-	config_load "${cfgfile:-wireless}"
 include /lib/wifi
 case "$1" in
 	down) wifi_updown "disable" "$2";;
@@ -266,7 +87,6 @@ case "$1" in
 	status) ubus_wifi_cmd "status" "$2";;
 	isup) wifi_isup "$2"; exit $?;;
 	reload) wifi_reload "$2";;
-	reload_legacy) wifi_reload_legacy "$2";;
 	--help|help) usage;;
 	reconf) wifi_updown "reconf" "$2";;
 	''|up) wifi_updown "enable" "$2";;

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