[openwrt/openwrt] wifi-scripts: add ucode based scripts

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Mon Dec 2 04:58:08 PST 2024

blogic pushed a commit to openwrt/openwrt.git, branch main:

commit 218f3884d2fb8badaaa0fa5643143a668713bad8
Author: John Crispin <john at phrozen.org>
AuthorDate: Thu Oct 17 15:12:55 2024 +0200

    wifi-scripts: add ucode based scripts
    Add an ucode based re-implementation of the shell script based wifi code.
    The new code is jsonschema driven. The code has been refactored into several
    files making it easier to follow.
    The new scripts are also way faster than the previous sh implementation.
    The new code is currently opt-in via WIFI_SCRIPTS_UCODE and defaults to
    Signed-off-by: John Crispin <john at phrozen.org>
 package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Config.in      |    3 +
 package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Makefile       |   10 +-
 .../files-ucode/lib/netifd/wireless/mac80211.sh    |  347 ++++++
 .../usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-device.json     |  717 ++++++++++++
 .../usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-iface.json      | 1157 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-station.json    |   20 +
 .../usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-vlan.json       |   16 +
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/ap.uc         |  480 ++++++++
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/common.uc     |  124 +++
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/hostapd.uc    |  577 ++++++++++
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/iface.uc      |  194 ++++
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/netifd.uc     |   49 +
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/supplicant.uc |  237 ++++
 .../files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/validate.uc   |  121 ++
 14 files changed, 4051 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Config.in b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Config.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92e6612464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Config.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+	bool "Use new ucode based scripts"
+	default n
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Makefile b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Makefile
index ae41f74949..52edd1b567 100644
--- a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Makefile
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/Makefile
@@ -13,17 +13,22 @@ PKG_RELEASE:=1
 PKG_MAINTAINER:=Felix Fietkau <nbd at nbd.name>
 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
 define Package/wifi-scripts
   CATEGORY:=Base system
-  DEPENDS:=+netifd +ucode +ucode-mod-nl80211 +ucode-mod-rtnl +ucode-mod-ubus +ucode-mod-uci
+  DEPENDS:=+netifd +ucode +ucode-mod-nl80211 +ucode-mod-rtnl +ucode-mod-ubus +ucode-mod-uci +ucode-mod-digest
   TITLE:=Wi-Fi configuration scripts
+define Package/wifi-scripts/config
+	source "$(SOURCE)/Config.in"
 define Package/wifi-scripts/description
  A set of scripts that handle setup and configuration of Wi-Fi devices.
@@ -40,6 +45,9 @@ endef
 define Package/wifi-scripts/install
 	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)
 	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+	$(CP) ./files-ucode/* $(1)/
 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,wifi-scripts))
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/lib/netifd/wireless/mac80211.sh b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/lib/netifd/wireless/mac80211.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fe364b8f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/lib/netifd/wireless/mac80211.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+'use strict';
+import { set_default, log } from 'wifi.common';
+import { validate, dump_options } from 'wifi.validate';
+import * as supplicant from 'wifi.supplicant';
+import * as hostapd from 'wifi.hostapd';
+import * as netifd from 'wifi.netifd';
+import * as iface from 'wifi.iface';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+global.radio = ARGV[2];
+const mesh_param_list = [
+	"mesh_retry_timeout", "mesh_confirm_timeout", "mesh_holding_timeout", "mesh_max_peer_links",
+	"mesh_max_retries", "mesh_ttl", "mesh_element_ttl", "mesh_hwmp_max_preq_retries",
+	"mesh_path_refresh_time", "mesh_min_discovery_timeout", "mesh_hwmp_active_path_timeout",
+	"mesh_hwmp_preq_min_interval", "mesh_hwmp_net_diameter_traversal_time", "mesh_hwmp_rootmode",
+	"mesh_hwmp_rann_interval", "mesh_gate_announcements", "mesh_sync_offset_max_neighor",
+	"mesh_rssi_threshold", "mesh_hwmp_active_path_to_root_timeout", "mesh_hwmp_root_interval",
+	"mesh_hwmp_confirmation_interval", "mesh_awake_window", "mesh_plink_timeout",
+	"mesh_auto_open_plinks", "mesh_fwding", "mesh_power_mode"
+function phy_suffix(radio, sep) {
+	if (radio == null || radio < 0)
+		return "";
+	return sep + radio;
+function reset_config(phy, radio) {
+	let name = phy + phy_suffix(radio, ".");
+	let prev_config = `/var/run/hostapd-${name}.conf`;
+	global.ubus.call('hostapd', 'config_set', { phy, radio, config: '', prev_config });
+	global.ubus.call('wpa_supplicant', 'config_set', { phy, radio, config: []});
+	name = phy + phy_suffix(radio, ":");
+	system(`ucode /usr/share/hostap/wdev.uc ${name} set_config '{}'`);
+function phy_filename(phy, name) {
+	return `/sys/class/ieee80211/${phy}/${name}`;
+function phy_file(phy, name) {
+	return fs.readfile(phy_filename(phy, name));
+function phy_index(phy) {
+	return +phy_file(phy, "index");
+function phy_path_match(phy, path) {
+	let phy_path = fs.realpath(phy_filename(phy, "device"));
+	return substr(phy_path, -length(path)) == path;
+function find_phy_by_path(phys, path) {
+	if (!path)
+		return null;
+	path = split(path, "+");
+	phys = filter(phys, (phy) => phy_path_match(phy, path[0]));
+	phys = sort(phys, (a, b) => phy_index(a) - phy_index(b));
+	return phys[+path[1]];
+function find_phy_by_macaddr(phys, macaddr) {
+	macaddr = lc(macaddr);
+	return filter(phys, (phy) => phy_file(phy, "macaddr") == macaddr)[0];
+function find_phy_by_name(phys, name) {
+	return index(phys, name) < 0 ? null : name;
+function find_phy(config) {
+	let phys = fs.lsdir("/sys/class/ieee80211");
+	return find_phy_by_path(phys, config.path) ??
+	       find_phy_by_macaddr(phys, config.macaddr) ??
+	       find_phy_by_name(phys, config.phy);
+function get_channel_frequency(band, channel) {
+	if (channel < 1)
+		return null;
+	switch (band) {
+	case '2g':
+		if (channel == 14)
+			return 2484;
+		return 2407 + channel * 5;
+	case '5g':
+		if (channel >= 182 && channel <= 196)
+			return 4000 + channel * 5;
+		return 5000 + channel * 5;
+	case '6g':
+		if (channel == 2)
+			return 5935;
+		return 5950 + channel * 5;
+	case '60g':
+		return 56160 + channel * 2160;
+	}
+function setup_phy(phy, config, data) {
+	if (config.channel == "auto")
+		config.channel = 0;
+	config.channel = +config.channel;
+	config.frequency = get_channel_frequency(config.band, config.channel);
+	if (config.country) {
+		log(`Setting country code to ${config.country}`);
+		system(`iw reg set ${config.country}`);
+	}
+	set_default(config, 'rxantenna', 0xffffffff);
+	set_default(config, 'txantenna', 0xffffffff);
+	if (config.txantenna == 'all')
+		config.txantenna = 0xffffffff;
+	if (config.rxantenna == 'all')
+		config.rxantenna = 0xffffffff;
+	if (config.txantenna != data?.txantenna || config.rxantenna != data?.rxantenna)
+		reset_config(phy, config.radio);
+	netifd.set_data({
+		phy,
+		radio: config.radio,
+		txantenna: config.txantenna,
+		rxantenna: config.rxantenna
+	});
+	if (config.txpower)
+		config.txpower = 'fixed ' + config.txpower + '00';
+	else
+		config.txpower = 'auto';
+	log(`Configuring '${phy}' txantenna: ${config.txantenna}, rxantenna: ${config.rxantenna} distance: ${config.distance}`);
+	system(`iw phy ${phy} set antenna ${config.txantenna} ${config.rxantenna}`);
+	system(`iw phy ${phy} set distance ${config.distance}`);
+	if (config.frag)
+		system(`iw phy ${phy} set frag ${frag}`);
+	if (config.rts)
+		system(`iw phy ${phy} set rts ${rts}`);
+function iw_htmode(config) {
+	let suffix = substr(config.htmode, 3);
+	if (suffix == "40+" || suffix == "40-")
+		return "HT" + suffix;
+	switch (config.htmode ?? "NONE") {
+	case "HT20":
+	case "VHT20":
+	case "HE20":
+	case "EHT20":
+		return "HT20";
+	case "VHT80":
+	case "HE80":
+	case "EHT80":
+	case "HE160":
+	case "EHT160":
+	case "EHT320":
+		return "80MHZ";
+	case "NONE":
+	case "NOHT":
+		return "NOHT";
+	}
+	if (substr(config.htmode, 2) == "40") {
+		switch (config.band) {
+		case "2g":
+			if (+config.channel < 7)
+				return "HT40+";
+			else
+				return "HT40-";
+		default:
+			return ((+config.channel / 4) % 2) ? "HT40+" : "HT40-";
+		}
+	}
+	return null;
+function config_add(config, name, val) {
+	if (val != null)
+		config[name] = val;
+function config_add_mesh_params(config, data) {
+	for (let param in mesh_param_list)
+		config_add(config, param, data[param]);
+function setup() {
+	let data = json(ARGV[3]);
+	data.phy = find_phy(data.config);
+	if (!data.phy) {
+		log('Bug: PHY is undefined for device');
+		netifd.set_retry(false);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	data.phy_suffix = phy_suffix(data.config.radio, ":");
+	data.vif_phy_suffix = phy_suffix(data.config.radio, ".");
+	let active_ifnames = [];
+	log('Starting');
+	validate('device', data.config);
+	setup_phy(data.phy, data.config, data.data);
+	let supplicant_mesh;
+	let has_ap = false;
+	let idx = {};
+	let supplicant_data = [];
+	let wdev_data = {};
+	for (let k, v in data.interfaces) {
+		let mode = v.config.mode;
+		idx[mode] ??= 0;
+		let mode_idx = idx[mode]++;
+		if (!v.config.ifname) 
+			v.config.ifname = data.phy + data.vif_phy_suffix + "-" + mode + mode_idx;
+		push(active_ifnames, v.config.ifname);
+		if (v.config.encryption == 'owe' && v.config.owe_transition) {
+			mode_idx = idx[mode]++;
+			v.config.owe_transition_ifname = data.phy + data.vif_phy_suffix + "-" + mode + mode_idx;
+			push(active_ifnames, v.config.ifname);
+		}
+		switch (mode) {
+		case 'ap':
+			has_ap = true;
+			// fallthrough
+		case 'sta':
+		case 'adhoc':
+		case 'mesh':
+			if (mode != "ap")
+				data.config.noscan = true;
+			validate('iface', v.config);
+			iface.prepare(v.config, data.phy + data.phy_suffix, data.config.num_global_macaddr);
+			netifd.set_vif(k, v.config.ifname);
+			break;
+		}
+		switch (mode) {
+		case 'adhoc':
+			if (config.frequency && !v.config.wpa)
+				break;
+			// fallthrough
+		case 'mesh':
+			supplicant_mesh ??= !system("wpa_supplicant -vmesh");
+			if (mode == "mesh" && !supplicant_mesh)
+				break;
+			// fallthrough
+		case 'sta':
+			let config = supplicant.generate(supplicant_data, data, v);
+			if (mode == "mesh")
+				config_add_mesh_params(config, v.config);
+			continue;
+		case 'monitor':
+			break;
+		default:
+			continue;
+		}
+		// fallback to wdev setup
+		let config = {
+			mode,
+			ssid: v.config.ssid,
+		};
+		if (!v.config.default_macaddr)
+			config.macaddr = v.config.macaddr;
+		config_add(config, "htmode", wdev_htmode(data.config));
+		if (mode != "monitor") {
+			config_add(config, "basic-rates", supplicant.ratelist(data.config.basic_rate));
+			config_add(config, "mcast-rate", supplicant.ratestr(v.config.mcast_rate));
+			config_add(config, "beacon-interval", data.config.beacon_int);
+			if (mode == "mesh") {
+				config_add(config, "ssid", v.config.mesh_id);
+				config_add_mesh_params(config, v.config);
+			}
+		}
+		wdev_data[v.config.ifname] = config;
+	}
+	if (length(supplicant_data) > 0)
+		supplicant.setup(supplicant_data, data);
+	if (has_ap)
+		hostapd.setup(data);
+	system(`ucode /usr/share/hostap/wdev.uc ${data.phy}${data.phy_suffix} set_config '${printf("%J", wdev_data)}' ${join(' ', active_ifnames)}`);
+	if (length(supplicant_data) > 0)
+		supplicant.start(data);
+	netifd.set_up();
+	return 0
+function teardown() {
+	let data = json(ARGV[3]);
+	if (!data.data?.phy) {
+		log('Bug: PHY is undefined for device');
+		return 1;
+	}
+	log(`Tearing down ${data.data.phy}`);
+	reset_config(data.data.phy, data.data.radio);
+	return 0;
+let ret = 1;
+switch(ARGV[1]) {
+case 'dump':
+	ret = dump_options();
+	break;
+case 'setup':
+	ret = setup();
+	break;
+case 'teardown':
+	ret = teardown();
+	break;
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-device.json b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-device.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a7e777b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-device.json
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+	"$id": "https://openwrt.org/wifi.device.json",
+	"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+	"description": "OpenWrt WiFi Device Schema",
+	"type": "object",
+	"properties": {
+		"acs_chan_bias": {
+			"description": "Can be used to increase (or decrease) the likelihood of a specific channel to be selected by the ACS algorithm",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"acs_exclude_dfs": {
+			"description": "Exclude DFS channels from ACS",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"airtime_mode": {
+			"description": "Set the airtime policy operating mode",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 3
+		},
+		"antenna_gain": {
+			"description": "Reduction in antenna gain from regulatory maximum in dBi",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"assoc_sa_query_max_timeout": {
+			"description": "Association SA Query maximum timeout",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"assoc_sa_query_retry_timeout": {
+			"description": "Association SA Query retry timeout",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"auth_cache": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "okc"
+		},
+		"background_radar": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "enable_background_radar"
+		},
+		"band": {
+			"description": "The wireless band thatthe radio shall operate on",
+			"type": "string",
+			"enum": [
+				"2g",
+				"5g",
+				"6g",
+				"60g"
+			]
+		},
+		"basic_rate": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "basic_rates"
+		},
+		"basic_rates": {
+			"description": "Set the supported basic rates. Each basic_rate is measured in kb/s. This option only has an effect on ap and adhoc wifi-ifaces. ",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "number"
+			}
+		},
+		"beacon_int": {
+			"description": "Set the beacon interval. This is the time interval between beacon frames, measured in units of 1.024 ms. hostapd permits this to be set between 15 and 65535. This option only has an effect on ap and adhoc wifi-ifaces",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 100,
+			"minimum": 15,
+			"maximum": 65535
+		},
+		"beacon_rate": {
+			"description": "Beacon frame TX rate configuration",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"beamformee_antennas": {
+			"description": "Beamformee antenna override",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 4
+		},
+		"beamformer_antennas": {
+			"description": "Beamformer antenna override",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 4
+		},
+		"bssid": {
+			"description": "Overrides the MAC address used for the Wi-Fi interface. Warning: if the MAC address specified is a multicast address, this override will fail silently. To avoid this problem, ensure that the mac address specified is a valid unicast mac address",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"cell_density": {
+			"description": "Configures data rates based on the coverage cell density. Normal configures basic rates to 6, 12, 24 Mbps if legacy_rates is 0, else to 5.5, 11 Mbps. High configures basic rates to 12, 24 Mbps if legacy_rates is 0, else to the 11 Mbps rate. Very High configures 24 Mbps as the basic rate. Supported rates lower than the minimum basic rate are not offered. The basic_rate and supported_rates options overrides this option. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Normal, 2 = High, 3 = Very High",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 3
+		},
+		"chanbw": {
+			"description": "Specifies a narrow channel width in MHz, possible values are: 5, 10, 20",
+			"type": "number",
+			"enum": [ 5,  10, 20 ]
+		},
+		"channel": {
+			"description": "Specifies the wireless channel. “auto” defaults to the lowest available channel, or utilizes the ACS algorithm depending on hardware/driver support",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"channels": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "chanlist"
+		},
+		"channel_list": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "chanlist"
+		},
+		"chanlist": {
+			"description": "Use specific channels, when channel is in “auto” mode. This option allows hostapd to select one of the provided channels when a channel should be automatically selected. Channels can be provided as range using hyphen ('-') or individual channels can be specified by space (' ') separated values",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "number"
+			}
+		},
+		"country": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "country_code"
+		},
+		"country3": {
+			"description": "The third octet of the Country String (dot11CountryString)",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"country_code": {
+			"description": "Specifies the country code, affects the available channels and transmission powers. For types mac80211 and broadcom a two letter country code is used (EN or DE). The madwifi driver expects a numeric code",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"country_ie": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ieee80211d"
+		},
+		"disabled": {
+			"description": "When set to 1, wireless network is disabled",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"distance": {
+			"description": "Distance between the ap and the furthest client in meters",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"doth": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ieee80211h"
+		},
+		"dsss_cck_40": {
+			"description": "DSSS/CCK Mode in 40 MHz allowed in Beacon, Measurement Pilot and Probe Response frames",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"enable_background_radar": {
+			"description": "This feature allows CAC to be run on dedicated radio RF chains",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"frag": {
+			"description": "Fragmentation threshold",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"greenfield": {
+			"description": "Receive Greenfield - treats pre-80211n traffic as noise",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"he_bss_color": {
+			"description": "BSS color to be announced",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 1,
+			"maximum": 128,
+			"default": 128
+		},
+		"he_bss_color_enabled": {
+			"description": "Enable BSS color",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"he_default_pe_duration": {
+			"description": "The duration of PE field in an HE PPDU in us",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 4,
+			"enum": [ 4, 8, 12, 16 ]
+		},
+		"he_mu_beamformer": {
+			"description": "HE multiple user beamformer support",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_be_aci": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_be_aifsn": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 8
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_be_ecwmax": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 10
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_be_ecwmin": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 9
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_be_timer": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 255
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_bk_aci": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 1
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_bk_aifsn": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 15
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_bk_ecwmax": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 10
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_bk_ecwmin": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 9
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_bk_timer": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 255
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vi_aci": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 2
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vi_aifsn": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 5
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vi_ecwmax": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 7
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vi_ecwmin": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 5
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vi_timer": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 255
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vo_aci": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 3
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vo_aifsn": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 5
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vo_ecwmax": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 7
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vo_ecwmin": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 5
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_ac_vo_timer": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 255
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_qos_info_param_count": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_qos_info_q_ack": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_qos_info_queue_request": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"he_mu_edca_qos_info_txop_request": {
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"he_oper_chwidth": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"he_6ghz_reg_pwr_type": {
+			"description": "This config is to set the 6 GHz Access Point type.",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 4,
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"he_rts_threshold": {
+			"description": "Duration of STA transmission",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 1023
+		},
+		"he_spr_non_srg_obss_pd_max_offset": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"he_spr_psr_enabled": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"he_spr_sr_control": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 3
+		},
+		"he_su_beamformee": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"he_su_beamformer": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"he_twt_required": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"hostapd_options": {
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"ht_coex": {
+			"description": "Disable honoring 40 MHz intolerance in coexistence flags of stations",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"htc_vht": {
+			"description": "STA supports receiving a VHT variant HT Control field",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"htmode": {
+			"description": "Specifies the high throughput mode",
+			"type": "string",
+			"enum": [
+				"NOHT", "HT20", "HT40-", "HT40+", "HT40",
+				"VHT20", "VHT40", "VHT80", "VHT160",
+				"HE20", "HE40", "HE80", "HE160",
+				"EHT20", "EHT40", "EHT80", "EHT160", "EHT320" ]
+		},
+		"hwmode": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "hw_mode"
+		},
+		"hw_mode": {
+			"description": "Legacy way, use the band property instead",
+			"type": "string",
+			"enum": [ "11a", "11b", "11g", "11ad" ]
+		},
+		"ieee80211d": {
+			"description": "Enables IEEE 802.11d country IE (information element) advertisement in beacon and probe response frames. This IE contains the country code and channel/power map. Requires country",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"ieee80211h": {
+			"description": "This enables radar detection and DFS support",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"ieee80211w": {
+			"description": "Whether management frame protection (MFP) is enabled",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 2
+		},
+		"ieee80211w_max_timeout": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "assoc_sa_query_max_timeout"
+		},
+		"ieee80211w_mgmt_cipher": {
+			"description": "Cypher used for MFP",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ieee80211w_retry_timeout": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "assoc_sa_query_retry_timeout"
+		},
+		"iface_max_num_sta": {
+			"description": "Limits the maximum allowed number of associated clients",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"ldpc": {
+			"description": " LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check code) capability ",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"legacy_rates": {
+			"description": "Allow legacy 802.11b data rates (used by cell_density)",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"local_pwr_constraint": {
+			"description": "Add Power Constraint element to Beacon and Probe Response frame",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 255
+		},
+		"log_80211": {
+			"description": "Enable IEEE 802.11 logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"log_8021x": {
+			"description": "Enable IEEE 802.1X logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"log_driver": {
+			"description": "Enable driver interface logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"log_iapp": {
+			"description": "Enable iapp logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"log_level": {
+			"description": "Log severity",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 2,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 4
+		},
+		"log_mlme": {
+			"description": "Enable MLME logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"log_radius": {
+			"description": "Enable Radius logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"log_wpa": {
+			"description": "Enable WPA logging",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"logger_stdout": {
+			"description": "Log to stdout",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"logger_stdout_level": {
+			"description": "Log severity",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 2,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 4
+		},
+		"logger_syslog": {
+			"description": "Log to syslog",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"logger_syslog_level": {
+			"description": "Syslog severity",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 2,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 4
+		},
+		"macaddr": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "bssid"
+		},
+		"max_amsdu": {
+			"description": "Maximum A-MSDU length of 7935 octects (3839 octets if option set to 0)",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"maxassoc": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "iface_max_num_sta"
+		},
+		"mbssid": {
+			"description": "Multiple BSSID Advertisement in IEEE 802.11ax IEEE Std 802.11ax-2021 added a feature where instead of multiple interfaces  on a common radio transmitting individual Beacon frames, those interfaces can form a set with a common Beacon frame transmitted for all Set minimum permitted max TX power (in dBm) for ACS and DFS channel selection",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 2
+		},
+		"min_tx_power": {
+			"description": "Set minimum permitted max TX power (in dBm) for ACS and DFS channel selection",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"mu_beamformee": {
+			"description": "Supports operation as an MU beamformee",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"mu_beamformer": {
+			"description": " Supports operation as an MU beamformer",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"multiple_bssid": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "mbssid"
+		},
+		"num_global_macaddr": {
+			"description": "The number of MACs that this radio can use",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 1
+		},
+		"no_probe_resp_if_max_sta": {
+			"description": "Do not answer probe requests if iface_max_num_sta was reached",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"noscan": {
+			"description": "Do not scan for overlapping BSSs in HT40+/- mode.",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"okc": {
+			"description": "Enable Opportunistic Key Caching",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"path": {
+			"description": "Alternative to phy used to identify the device based paths in /sys/devices",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"radio": {
+			"description": "Index of the phy radio (for multi-radio PHYs)",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": -1
+		},
+		"reg_power_type": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "he_6ghz_reg_pwr_type"
+		},
+		"require_mode": {
+			"description": "Sets the minimum client capability level mode that connecting clients must support to be allowed to connect",
+			"type": "string",
+			"enum": [ "ht", "ac", "ax" ]
+		},
+		"rnr_beacon": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"rsn_preauth": {
+			"description": "Enable IEEE 802.11i/RSN/WPA2 pre-authentication",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"rssi_ignore_probe_request": {
+			"description": "Ignore Probe Request frames if RSSI is below given threshold (in dBm)",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"rssi_reject_assoc_rssi": {
+			"description": "Reject STA association if RSSI is below given threshold (in dBm)",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"rts": {
+			"description": "Override the RTS/CTS threshold",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"rts_threshold": {
+			"description": "RTS/CTS threshold",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": -1,
+			"maximum": 65535
+		},
+		"rx_antenna_pattern": {
+			"description": "Rx antenna pattern does not change during the lifetime of an association",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"rx_stbc": {
+			"description": "Supports reception of PPDUs using STBC",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 3,
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 4
+		},
+		"rxantenna": {
+			"description": "Specifies the antenna for receiving, the value may be driver specific, usually it is 1 for the first and 2 for the second antenna. Specifying 0 enables automatic selection by the driver if supported. This option has no effect if diversity is enabled",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"rxldpc": {
+			"description": "Supports receiving LDPC coded pkts",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"short_gi_160": {
+			"description": "Short GI for 160 MHz",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"short_gi_20": {
+			"description": "Short GI for 20 MHz",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"short_gi_40": {
+			"description": "Short GI for 40 MHz",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"short_gi_80": {
+			"description": "Short GI for 80 MHz",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"spectrum_mgmt_required": {
+			"description": "Set Spectrum Management subfield in the Capability Information field",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"stationary_ap": {
+			"description": "Stationary AP config indicates that the AP doesn't move hence location data can be considered as always up to date.",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"su_beamformee": {
+			"description": "Single user beamformee",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"su_beamformer": {
+			"description": "Single user beamformer",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"supported_rates": {
+			"description": "Set the supported data rates. Each supported rate is measured in kb/s. This option only has an effect on ap and adhoc wifi-ifaces. This must be a superset of the rates set in basic_rate. The minimum basic rate should also be the minimum supported rate. It is recommended to use the cell_density option instead",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "number"
+			}
+		},
+		"tx_antenna_pattern": {
+			"description": "Tx antenna pattern does not change during the lifetime of an association",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"tx_burst": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "tx_queue_data2_burst"
+		},
+		"tx_queue_data2_burst": {
+			"description": "",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"tx_stbc": {
+			"description": "Transmit STBC (Space-Time Block Coding)",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"tx_stbc_2by1": {
+			"description": "Supports transmission of at least 2×1 STBC",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"txantenna": {
+			"description": "Specifies the antenna for transmitting, values are identical to rxantenna",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"txpower": {
+			"description": "Specifies the maximum desired transmission power in dBm. The actual txpower used depends on regulatory requirements",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"vht160": {
+			"description": "Supported channel widths. 0 == 160MHz and 80+80 MHz not supported, 1 == 160 MHz supported, 2 == 160MHz and 80+80 MHz supported",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 2,
+			"default": 2
+		},
+		"vht_link_adapt": {
+			"description": "TA supports link adaptation using VHT variant HT Control field",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 3
+		},
+		"vht_max_a_mpdu_len_exp": {
+			"description": "Indicates the maximum length of A-MPDU pre-EOF padding that the STA can recv",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 7
+		},
+		"vht_max_mpdu": {
+			"description": "Maximum MPDU length",
+			"type": "number",
+			"enum": [ 3895, 7991, 11454 ],
+			"default": 11454
+		},
+		"vht_txop_ps": {
+			"description": "VHT TXOP PS mode",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-iface.json b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-iface.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3964098b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-iface.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+	"$id": "https://openwrt.org/wifi.iface.json",
+	"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+	"description": "OpenWrt WiFi Interface Schema",
+	"type": "object",
+	"properties": {
+		"access_network_type": {
+			"description": "Interworking Access Network Type",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 15
+		},
+		"acct_interval": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "radius_acct_interim_interval"
+		},
+		"acct_port": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "acct_server_port"
+		},
+		"acct_secret": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "acct_server_shared_secret"
+		},
+		"acct_server": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "acct_server_addr"
+		},
+		"acct_server_addr": {
+			"description": "RADIUS accounting server to handle client authentication",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"acct_server_port": {
+			"description": "RADIUS accounting port",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 1813
+		},
+		"acct_server_shared_secret": {
+			"description": "Shared accounting RADIUS secret",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"airtime_bss_limit": {
+			"description": "Whether the current BSS should be limited (when airtime_mode=3)",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"airtime_bss_weight": {
+			"description": "Per-BSS airtime weight. In multi-BSS mode, set for each BSS and hostapd will configure station weights to enforce the correct ratio between BSS weights depending on the number of active stations",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"airtime_sta_weight": {
+			"description": "Static configuration of station weights (when airtime_mode=1). Kernel default weight is 256",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"altsubject_match": {
+			"description": "Semicolon separated string of entries to be matched against the alternative subject name of the authentication server certificate",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"altsubject_match2": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"anonymous_identity": {
+			"description": "Anonymous identity string for EAP",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"anqp_3gpp_cell_net": {
+			"description": "3GPP Cellular Network information",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"anqp_domain_id": {
+			"description": "An identifier for a set of APs in an ESS that share the same common ANQP information",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 65535,
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"ap_isolate": {
+			"description": "Isolates wireless clients from each other, only applicable in ap mode",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"ap_max_inactivity": {
+			"description": "Station inactivity limit in seconds: If a station does not send anything in ap_max_inactivity seconds, an empty data frame is sent to it in order to verify whether it is still in range. If this frame is not ACKed, the station will be disassociated and then deauthenticated",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"ap_pin": {
+			"description": "Static access point PIN for WPS",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ap_setup_locked": {
+			"description": "AP can be configured into a locked state where new WPS Registrar are not accepted",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"anqp_elem": {
+			"description": "Arbitrary ANQP-element configuration",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"asra": {
+			"description": "Additional Step Required for Access",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"assoc_sa_query_max_timeout": {
+			"description": "Specifies the 802.11w Association SA Query maximum timeout.",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 1,
+			"maximum": 4294967295
+		},
+		"assoc_sa_query_retry_timeout": {
+			"description": "Association SA Query retry timeout",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 1,
+			"maximum": 4294967295
+		},
+		"auth": {
+			"description": "Defines the phase 2 (inner) authentication method, only applicable if eap_type is peap or ttl",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"auth_cache": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "okc"
+		},
+		"auth_port": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "auth_server_port"
+		},
+		"auth_secret": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "auth_server_shared_secret"
+		},
+		"auth_server": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "auth_server_addr"
+		},
+		"auth_server_addr": {
+			"description": "RADIUS authentication server to handle client authentication",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"auth_server_port": {
+			"description": "RADIUS authentication port",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 1812
+		},
+		"auth_server_shared_secret": {
+			"description": "Shared authentication RADIUS secret",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"basic_rate": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"bss_load_update_period": {
+			"description": "BSS Load update period (in BUs)",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 60
+		},
+		"bss_transition": {
+			"description": "BSS Transition Management",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"bssid": {
+			"description": "Override the BSSID of the network",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"bssid_blacklist": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"bssid_whitelist": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"ca_cert": {
+			"description": "Specifies the path the CA certificate used for authentication",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ca_cert2_usesystem": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"ca_cert_usesystem": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"chan_util_avg_period": {
+			"description": "Channel utilization averaging period (in BUs)",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 600
+		},
+		"civic": {
+			"description": "The content of a location civic measurement subelement",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"client_cert": {
+			"description": "File path to client certificate file (PEM/DER)",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"dae_client": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "radius_das_client"
+		},
+		"dae_port": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "radius_das_port"
+		},
+		"dae_secret": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "radius_das_secret"
+		},
+		"default_disabled": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "disabled"
+		},
+		"device_name": {
+			"description": "Primary Device Name used by WPS",
+			"type": "string",
+			"default": "OpenWrt AP"
+		},
+		"device_type": {
+			"description": "Primary Device Type used by WPS",
+			"type": "string",
+			"default": "6-0050F204-1"
+		},
+		"disabled": {
+			"description": "Do not bring the interface up automatically",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"disable_dgaf": {
+			"description": "Disable Downstream Group-Addressed Forwarding",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"disassoc_low_ack": {
+			"description": "Disassociate stations based on excessive transmission failures or other indications of connection loss. This depends on the driver capabilities and may not be available with all drivers.",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"domain_match": {
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"domain_match2": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"domain_name" : {
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"domain_suffix_match": {
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"domain_suffix_match2": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"dtim_period": {
+			"description": "Set the DTIM (delivery traffic information message) period. There will be one DTIM per this many beacon frames. This may be set between 1 and 255. This option only has an effect on ap wifi-ifaces.",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 2,
+			"minimum": 1,
+			"maximum": 255
+		},
+		"dynamic_ownip": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "dynamic_own_ip_addr"
+		},
+		"dynamic_own_ip_addr": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"dynamic_vlan": {
+			"description": "Allow RADIUS authentication server to decide which VLAN is used for the stations",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"eap_reauth_period": {
+			"description": "EAP reauthentication period in seconds",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"eap_server": {
+			"description": "Use integrated EAP server instead of external RADIUS authentication server",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"eap_type": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"eap_user_file": {
+			"description": "Path for EAP server user database",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"eapol_version": {
+			"description": "IEEE 802.1X/EAPOL version",
+			"type": "number",
+			"enum": [ 1, 2 ]
+		},
+		"enable": {
+			"description": "Enable the interface",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"encryption": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"esr": {
+			"description": "Emergency services reachable",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"ext_registrar": {
+			"description": "WPS UPnP interface",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"fils": {
+			"description": "Enable FILS",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"fils_dhcp": {
+			"description": "DHCP server for FILS HLP. Set to '*' for automatic lookup.",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ft_over_ds": {
+			"description": "Whether to enable FT-over-DS",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"ft_psk_generate_local": {
+			"description": "Whether to generate FT response locally for PSK networks. This avoids use of PMK-R1 push/pull from other APs with FT-PSK networks as the required information (PSK and other session data) is already locally available.",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"ftm_responder": {
+			"description": "Publish fine timing measurement (FTM) responder functionality",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"gas_address3": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"hidden": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ignore_broadcast_ssid"
+		},
+		"hessid": {
+			"description": "Homogeneous ESS identifier",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"hostapd_bss_options": {
+			"description": "Additional raw options to be added",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"hs20": {
+			"description": "Enable Hotspot 2.0 support",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"hs20_conn_capab": {
+			"description": "Connection Capability",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"hs20_deauth_req_timeout": {
+			"description": "Deauthentication request timeout",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": 60
+		},
+		"hs20_oper_friendly_name": {
+			"description": "Operator Friendly Name",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"hs20_operating_class": {
+			"description": "Operating Class Indication",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"hs20_t_c_filename": {
+			"description": "Terms and Conditions information",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"hs20_t_c_server_url": {
+			"description": "Terms and Conditions server",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"hs20_t_c_timestamp": {
+			"description": "Terms and Conditions timestamp",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"hs20_wan_metrics": {
+			"description": "WAN Metrics",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"identity": {
+			"description": "Identity string for EAP",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ieee80211k": {
+			"description": "Enables Radio Resource Measurement (802.11k) support",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"ieee80211r": {
+			"description": "Enables fast BSS transition (802.11r) support.",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"ieee80211w": {
+			"description": "Enables MFP (802.11w) support (0 = disabled, 1 = optional, 2 = required). Requires the 'full' version of wpad/hostapd and support from the Wi-Fi driver",
+			"type": "number",
+			"enum": [ 0, 1, 2 ],
+			"default": 0
+		},
+		"ieee80211w_max_timeout": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "assoc_sa_query_max_timeout"
+		},
+		"ieee80211w_mgmt_cipher": {
+			"description": "Group Management cypher",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ieee80211w_retry_timeout": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "assoc_sa_query_retry_timeout"
+		},
+		"ifname": {
+			"description": "Specifies a custom name for the Wi-Fi interface, which is otherwise automatically named. Maximum length: 15 characters",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ignore_broadcast_ssid": {
+			"description": "Disables the broadcasting of beacon frames if set to 1 and, in doing so, hides the ESSID. Where the ESSID is hidden, clients may fail to roam and airtime efficiency may be significantly reduced.",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"internet": {
+			"description": "Whether the network provides connectivity to the Internet",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"isolate": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ap_isolate"
+		},
+		"iw_access_network_type": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "access_network_type"
+		},
+		"iw_anqp_3gpp_cell_net": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "anqp_3gpp_cell_net"
+		},
+		"iw_anqp_elem": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "anqp_elem"
+		},
+		"iw_asra": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "asra"
+		},
+		"iw_domain_name": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "domain_name"
+		},
+		"iw_enabled": {
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"iw_esr": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "esr"
+		},
+		"iw_gas_address3": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "gas_address3"
+		},
+		"iw_hessid": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "hessid"
+		},
+		"iw_internet": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "internet"
+		},
+		"iw_ipaddr_type_availability": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"iw_nai_realm": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "nai_realm"
+		},
+		"iw_network_auth_type": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "network_auth_type"
+		},
+		"iw_qos_map_set": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "qos_map_set"
+		},
+		"roaming_consortium": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "roaming_consortium"
+		},
+		"iw_uesa": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "uesa"
+		},
+		"iw_venue_group": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "venue_group"
+		},
+		"iw_venue_name": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "venue_name"
+		},
+		"iw_venue_type": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "venue_type"
+		},
+		"iw_venue_url": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "venue_url"
+		},
+		"key": {
+			"description": "Encryption key",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"lci": {
+			"description": "The content of a LCI measurement subelement",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"macaddr": {
+			"description": "Override the BSSID of the network",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"macfile": {
+			"description": "File containing a list MACs used by the macfilter",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"macfilter": {
+			"description": "Allow/deny associations based on the clients MAC",
+			"type": "string",
+			"enum": [ "allow", "deny" ]
+		},
+		"maclist": {
+			"description": "List of MACs used by the macfilter option",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"manufacturer": {
+			"description": "Manufacturer used by WPS",
+			"type": "string",
+			"default": "www.openwrt.org"
+		},
+		"max_inactivity": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ap_max_inactivity"
+		},
+		"max_listen_int": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "max_listen_interval"
+		},
+		"max_listen_interval": {
+			"description": "How many Beacon periods STAs are allowed to remain asleep",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"max_num_sta": {
+			"description": "Maximum number of stations allowed in station table",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"maxassoc": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "max_num_sta"
+		},
+		"mbo": {
+			"description": "Multiband Operation",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"mcast_rate": {
+			"description": "Allowed multicast rates",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "number"
+			}
+		},
+		"mesh_auto_open_plinks": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"mesh_awake_window": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_confirm_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_element_ttl": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_fwding": {
+			"description": "Enable 802.11s layer-2 routing and forwarding",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"mesh_gate_announcements": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_holding_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_active_path_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_active_path_to_root_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_confirmation_interval": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_max_preq_retries": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_net_diameter_traversal_time": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_preq_min_interval": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_rann_interval": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_root_interval": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_hwmp_rootmode": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_id": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"mesh_max_peer_links": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_max_retries": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_min_discovery_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_path_refresh_time": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_plink_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_power_mode": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"mesh_retry_timeout": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_rssi_threshold": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_sync_offset_max_neighor": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mesh_ttl": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"mobility_domain": {
+			"description": "DID is used to indicate a group of APs between which a STA can use Fast BSS Transition.",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"mode": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"multi_ap": {
+			"description": "Enable Multi-AP functionality",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"multi_ap_backhaul_key": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": {
+			"description": "Multi-AP backhaul BSS SSID",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"multicast_to_unicast": {
+			"description": "Request that the AP will do multicast-to-unicast conversion for ARP, IPv4, and IPv6 frames ",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"multicast_to_unicast_all": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "multicast_to_unicast"
+		},
+		"nas_identifier": {
+			"description": "NAS-Identifier string for RADIUS messages",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"nai_realm": {
+			"description": "NAI Realm information",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"nasid": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "nas_identifier"
+		},
+		"network_auth_type": {
+			"description": "Network Authentication Type",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ocv": {
+			"description": "Operating Channel Validation",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 0,
+			"maximum": 15
+		},
+		"okc": {
+			"description": "PMKSA and Opportunistic Key Caching",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"operator_icon": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"osen": {
+			"description": "OSU Server-Only Authenticated L2 Encryption Network",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"osu_provider": {
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"osu_ssid": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"owe_transition": {
+			"description": "Indicate that an OWE BSS shall automatically add an unencrypted transition interface",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"owe_transition_bssid": {
+			"description": "Pointer to the matching open/OWE BSS",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"owe_transition_ifname": {
+			"description": "Alternatively, OWE transition mode BSSID/SSID can be configured with a reference to a BSS operated by this hostapd process.",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"owe_transition_ssid": {
+			"description": "The SSID used by the OWE transition device",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ownip": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "own_ip_addr"
+		},
+		"own_ip_addr": {
+			"description": "The own IP address of the access point",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"password:wpakey": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"pbc_in_m1": {
+			"description": "WPS capability discovery workaround for PBC with Windows 7",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"per_sta_vif": {
+			"description": "Per-Station AP_VLAN interface mode",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"pmk_r1_push": {
+			"description": "Whether PMK-R1 push is enabled at R0KH",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"port:port": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"powersave": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"ppsk": {
+			"description": "Lookup PSK2 Keys up via a Radius server",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"preamble": {
+			"description": "Short Preamble",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"priv_key": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"priv_key_pwd": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"private_key": {
+			"description": "Private key matching with the server certificate for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"private_key_passwd": {
+			"description": "Passphrase for private key",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"proxy_arp": {
+			"description": "Proxy ARP",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"qos_map_set": {
+			"description": "QoS Map Set configuration",
+			"type": "string",
+			"default": "0,0,2,16,1,1,255,255,18,22,24,38,40,40,44,46,48,56"
+		},
+		"r0_key_lifetime": {
+			"description": "Default lifetime of the PMK-R0 in seconds",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"r0kh": {
+			"description": "List of R0KHs in the same Mobility Domain",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"r1_key_holder": {
+			"description": "PMK-R1 Key Holder identifier",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"r1kh": {
+			"description": "List of R1KHs in the same Mobility Domain",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"radius_acct_interim_interval": {
+			"description": "Interim accounting update interval",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"radius_acct_req_attr": {
+			"description": "Additional Accounting-Request attributes",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"radius_auth_req_attr": {
+			"description": "Additional Access-Request attributes",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"radius_client_addr": {
+			"description": "RADIUS client forced local IP address for the access point",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"radius_das_client": {
+			"description": "DAS client (the host that can send Disconnect/CoA requests)",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"radius_das_port": {
+			"description": "Dynamic Authorization Extensions port",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"radius_das_secret": {
+			"description": "Dynamic Authorization Extensions secret",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"radius_request_cui" :{
+			"description": "Request Chargeable-User-Identity (RFC 4372)",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"reassociation_deadline": {
+			"description": "Reassociation deadline in time units",
+			"type": "number",
+			"minimum": 1000,
+			"maximum": 65535,
+			"default": 1000
+		},
+		"request_cui": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "radius_request_cui"
+		},
+		"rrm_beacon_report": {
+			"description": "Enable beacon report via radio measurements",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"rrm_neighbor_report": {
+			"description": "Enable neighbor report via radio measurements",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"rnr": {
+			"description": "Enable reduced neighbor reporting",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"roaming_consortium": {
+			"description": "Roaming Consortium List",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"rsn_preauth": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"sae_pwe": {
+			"description": "SAE mechanism for PWE derivation",
+			"type": "number",
+			"enum": [ 0, 1, 2 ]
+		},
+		"sae_require_mfp": {
+			"description": "Require MFP for all associations using SAE",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"server:host": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"server_cert": {
+			"description": "Server certificate (PEM or DER file) for EAP-TLS/PEAP/TTLS",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"server_id": {
+			"description": "Server identity",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"short_preamble": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "preamble"
+		},
+		"skip_inactivity_poll": {
+			"description": "The inactivity polling can be disabled to disconnect stations based on inactivity timeout so that idle stations are more likely to be disconnected even if they are still in range of the AP",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"ssid": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"ssid:string": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"start_disabled": {
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"subject_match": {
+			"description": "Substring to be matched against the subject of the authentication server certificate",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"subject_match2": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"supported_rates": {
+			"type": "array"
+		},
+		"tdls_prohibit": {
+			"description": "Prohibit use of TDLS in this BSS",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"time_advertisement": {
+			"description": "Time advertisement",
+			"type": "number",
+			"enum": [ 0, 2 ]
+		},
+		"time_zone": {
+			"description": "Local time zone as specified in 8.3 of IEEE Std 1003.1-2004",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"uapsd": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "uapsd_advertisement_enabled"
+		},
+		"uapsd_advertisement_enabled": {
+			"description": "WMM-PS Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery [U-APSD]",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"uesa": {
+			"description": "Unauthenticated emergency service accessible",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false			
+		},
+		"utf8_ssid": {
+			"description": "Whether the SSID is to be interpreted using UTF-8 encoding",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"vendor_elements": {
+			"description": "Additional vendor specific elements for Beacon and Probe Response frames",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"venue_group": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"venue_name": {
+			"description": "Venue Name information",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"venue_type": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"venue_url": {
+			"description": "Venue URL information",
+			"type": "array",
+			"items": {
+				"type": "string"
+			}
+		},
+		"vlan_bridge": {
+			"description": "Bridge (prefix) to add the wifi and the tagged interface to.",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"vlan_file": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"vlan_naming": {
+			"description": "When hostapd creates a VLAN interface on vlan_tagged_interfaces, it needs to know how to name it.",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"vlan_no_bridge": {
+			"description": "To not setup a bridge for dynamic vlans",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"vlan_tagged_interface": {
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"wds": {
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"wds_bridge": {
+			"description": "If bridge parameter is set, the WDS STA interface will be added to the same bridge by default",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"wds_sta": {
+			"description": "If bridge parameter is set, the WDS STA interface will be added to the same bridge by default",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"wmm": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "wmm_enabled"
+		},
+		"wmm_enabled": {
+			"description": "Default WMM parameters (IEEE 802.11 draft; 11-03-0504-03-000e)",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"wnm_sleep_mode": {
+			"description": "WNM-Sleep Mode (extended sleep mode for stations)",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"wnm_sleep_mode_no_keys": {
+			"description": "WNM-Sleep Mode GTK/IGTK workaround",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"wpa_disable_eapol_key_retries": {
+			"description": "Workaround for key reinstallation attacks",
+			"type": "boolean",
+			"default": false
+		},
+		"wpa_gmk_rekey": {
+			"description": "Time interval for rekeying GMK (master key used internally to generate GTKs)",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"wpa_group_rekey": {
+			"description": "Time interval for rekeying GTK (broadcast/multicast encryption keys)",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"wpa_master_rekey": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "wpa_gmk_rekey"
+		},
+		"wpa_pair_rekey": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "wpa_ptk_rekey"
+		},
+		"wpa_psk_file": {
+			"description": "External file conatining VLAN PSK MAC address triplets",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"wpa_ptk_rekey": {
+			"description": "Maximum lifetime for PTK in seconds",
+			"type": "number"
+		},
+		"wpa_strict_rekey": {
+			"description": "Rekey GTK when any STA that possesses the current GTK is leaving the BSS",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"wps_ap_setup_locked": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ap_setup_locked"
+		},
+		"wps_device_name": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "device_name"
+		},
+		"wps_device_type": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "device_type"
+		},
+		"wps_independent": {
+			"description": "Whether to manage this interface independently from other WPS interfaces",
+			"type": "number",
+			"default": true
+		},
+		"wps_label": {
+			"description": "Support WPS labels",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		},
+		"wps_manufacturer": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "manufacturer"
+		},
+		"wps_pbc_in_m1": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "pbc_in_m1"
+		},
+		"wps_pin": {
+			"type": "alias",
+			"default": "ap_pin"
+		},
+		"wps_pushbutton": {
+			"description": "Support WPS pushbutton",
+			"type": "boolean"
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-station.json b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-station.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbad47abf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-station.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+	"$id": "https://openwrt.org/wifi.station.json",
+	"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+	"description": "OpenWrt WiFi Station Schema",
+	"type": "object",
+	"properties": {
+		"mac": {
+			"description": "The stations MAC",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"key": {
+			"description": "The passphrase that shall be used",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"vid": {
+			"description": "The VLAN Id used by the station",
+			"type": "string"
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-vlan.json b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-vlan.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a06c8dabf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-vlan.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+	"$id": "https://openwrt.org/wifi.vlan.json",
+	"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
+	"description": "OpenWrt WiFi VLAN Schema",
+	"type": "object",
+	"properties": {
+		"name": {
+			"description": "VLAN name",
+			"type": "string"
+		},
+		"vid": {
+			"description": "VLAN ID",
+			"type": "string"
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/ap.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/ap.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc2900de9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/ap.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+'use strict';
+import * as libuci from 'uci';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+import { append, append_raw, append_value, append_vars, comment, push_config, set_default, touch_file } from 'wifi.common';
+import * as netifd from 'wifi.netifd';
+import * as iface from 'wifi.iface';
+function iface_setup(config) {
+	switch(config.fixup) {
+	case 'owe':
+		config.ignore_broadcast_ssid = true;
+		config.ssid = config.ssid + 'OWE';
+		break;
+	case 'owe-transition':
+		let ifname = config.ifname;
+		config.ifname = config.owe_transition_ifname;
+		config.owe_transition_ifname = ifname;
+		config.owe_transition_ssid = config.ssid + 'OWE';
+		config.encryption = 'none';
+		config.ignore_broadcast_ssid = false;
+		iface.prepare(config);
+		break;
+	}
+	comment('Setup interface: ' + config.ifname);
+	config.bridge = config.network_bridge;
+	config.snoop_iface = config.network_ifname;
+	if (!config.wds)
+		config.wds_bridge = null;
+	else
+		config.wds_sta = true;
+	if (!config.idx)
+		append('interface', config.ifname);
+	else
+		append('bss', config.ifname);
+	if (config.multicast_to_unicast || config.proxy_arp)
+		config.ap_isolate = 1;
+	append('bssid', config.macaddr);
+append_vars(config, [
+		'ctrl_interface', 'ap_isolate', 'max_num_sta', 'ap_max_inactivity', 'airtime_bss_weight',
+		'airtime_bss_limit', 'airtime_sta_weight', 'bss_load_update_period', 'chan_util_avg_period',
+		'disassoc_low_ack', 'skip_inactivity_poll', 'ignore_broadcast_ssid', 'uapsd_advertisement_enabled',
+		'utf8_ssid', 'multi_ap', 'ssid', 'tdls_prohibit', 'bridge', 'wds_sta', 'wds_bridge',
+		'snoop_iface', 'vendor_elements', 'nas_identifier', 'radius_acct_interim_interval',
+		'ocv', 'multicast_to_unicast', 'preamble', 'wmm_enabled', 'proxy_arp', 'per_sta_vif', 'mbo',
+		'bss_transition', 'wnm_sleep_mode', 'wnm_sleep_mode_no_keys', 'qos_map_set', 'max_listen_int',
+		'dtim_period',
+	 ]);
+function iface_authentication_server(config) {
+	for (let server in config.auth_server_addr) {
+		append('auth_server_addr', server);
+		append_vars(config, [ 'auth_server_port', 'auth_server_shared_secret' ]);
+	}
+	append_vars(config, [ 'radius_auth_req_attr' ]);
+function iface_accounting_server(config) {
+	for (let server in config.acct_server_addr) {
+		append('acct_server_addr', server);
+		append_vars(config, [ 'acct_server_port', 'acct_server_shared_secret' ]);
+	}
+	append_vars(config, [ 'radius_acct_req_attr' ]);
+function iface_auth_type(config) {
+	iface.parse_encryption(config);
+	if (config.auth_type in [ 'sae', 'owe', 'eap2', 'eap192' ]) {
+		config.ieee80211w = 2;
+		config.sae_require_mfp = 1;
+		config.sae_pwe = 2;
+	}
+	if (config.auth_type in [ 'psk-sae', 'eap-eap2' ]) {
+		config.ieee80211w = 1;
+		config.sae_require_mfp = 1;
+		config.sae_pwe = 2;
+	}
+	if (config.own_ip_addr)
+		config.dynamic_own_ip_addr = null;
+	if (!config.wpa)
+		config.wpa_disable_eapol_key_retries = null;
+	switch(config.auth_type) {
+	case 'none':
+	case 'owe':
+		config.wps_possible = 1;
+		config.wps_state = 1;
+		if (config.owe_transition_ssid)
+			config.owe_transition_ssid = `"${config.owe_transition_ssid}"`;
+		append_vars(config, [
+			'owe_transition_ssid', 'owe_transition_bssid', 'owe_transition_ifname',
+		]);
+		break;
+	case 'psk':
+	case 'psk2':
+	case 'sae':
+	case 'psk-sae':
+		config.vlan_possible = 1;
+		config.wps_possible = 1;
+		if (config.auth_type == 'psk' && config.ppsk) {
+			iface_authentication_server(config);
+			config.macaddr_acl = 2;
+			config.wpa_psk_radius = 2;
+		} else if (length(config.key) == 64) {
+			config.wpa_psk = key;
+		} else if (length(config.key) >= 8) {
+			config.wpa_passphrase = config.key;
+		} else if (!config.wpa_psk_file) {
+			 netifd.setup_failed('INVALID_WPA_PSK');
+		}
+		set_default(config, 'wpa_psk_file', `/var/run/hostapd-${config.ifname}.psk`);
+		touch_file(config.wpa_psk_file);
+		set_default(config, 'dynamic_vlan', 0);
+		break;
+	case 'eap':
+	case 'eap2':
+	case 'eap-eap2':
+	case 'eap192':
+		config.vlan_possible = 1;
+		if (config.fils) {
+			set_default(config, 'erp_domain', substr(digest.md5(config.ssid), 0, 4));
+			set_default(config, 'fils_realm', config.erp_domain);
+			set_default(config, 'erp_send_reauth_start', 1);
+			set_default(config, 'fils_cache_id', substr(digest.md5(config.fils_realm), 0, 4));
+		}
+		if (!config.eap_server) {
+			iface_authentication_server(config);
+			iface_accounting_server(config);
+		}
+		if (config.radius_das_client && config.radius_das_secret) {
+			set_default(config, 'radius_das_port', 3799);
+			set_default(config, 'radius_das_client', `${config.radius_das_client} ${config.radius_das_secret}`);
+		}
+		set_default(config, 'eapol_version', config.wpa & 1);
+		if (!config.eapol_version)
+			config.eapol_version = null;
+		append('eapol_key_index_workaround', '1');
+		append('ieee8021x', '1');
+		break;
+	}
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'sae_require_mfp', 'sae_pwe', 'time_advertisement', 'time_zone',
+		'wpa_group_rekey', 'wpa_ptk_rekey', 'wpa_gmk_rekey', 'wpa_strict_rekey',
+		'macaddr_acl', 'wpa_psk_radius', 'wpa_psk', 'wpa_passphrase', 'wpa_psk_file',
+		'eapol_version', 'dynamic_vlan', 'radius_request_cui', 'eap_reauth_period',
+		'radius_das_client', 'radius_das_port', 'own_ip_addr', 'dynamic_own_ip_addr',
+		'wpa_disable_eapol_key_retries', 'auth_algs', 'wpa', 'wpa_pairwise',
+		'erp_domain', 'fils_realm', 'erp_send_reauth_start', 'fils_cache_id'
+	]);
+function iface_ppsk(config) {
+	if (!(config.auth_type in [ 'none', 'owe', 'psk', 'sae', 'psk-sae', 'wep' ]) || !config.auth_server_addr)
+		return;
+	iface_authentication_server(config);
+	append('macaddr_acl', '2');
+function iface_wps(config) {
+	push_config(config, 'config_methods', 'wps_pushbutton', 'push_button');
+	push_config(config, 'config_methods', 'wps_label', 'label');
+	if (config.multi_ap == 1)
+		config.wps_possible = false;
+	if (config.wps_possible && length(config.config_methods)) {
+		config.eap_server = 1;
+		set_default(config, 'wps_state', 2);
+		if (config.ext_registrar && config.network_bridge)
+			set_default(config, 'upnp_iface', config.network_bridge);
+		if (config.multi_ap && config.multi_ap_backhaul_ssid) {
+			append_vars(config, [ 'multi_ap_backhaul_ssid' ]);
+			if (length(config.multi_ap_backhaul_key) == 64)
+				append('multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk', config.multi_ap_backhaul_key);
+			else if (length(config.multi_ap_backhaul_key) > 8)
+				append('multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase', config.multi_ap_backhaul_key);
+			else
+				netifd.setup_failed('INVALID_WPA_PSK');
+		}
+		append_vars(config, [
+			'wps_state', 'device_type', 'device_name', 'config_methods', 'wps_independent', 'eap_server',
+			'ap_pin', 'ap_setup_locked', 'upnp_iface'
+		]);
+	}
+function iface_rrm(config) {
+	set_default(config, 'rrm_neighbor_report', config.ieee80211k);
+	set_default(config, 'rrm_beacon_report', config.ieee80211k);
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'rrm_neighbor_report', 'rrm_beacon_report', 'rnr', 'ftm_responder',
+	]);
+function iface_ftm(config, phy_features) {
+	if (!phy_features.ftm_responder || !config.ftm_responder)
+		return;
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'ftm_responder', 'lci', 'civic'
+	]);
+function iface_macfilter(config) {
+	let path = `/var/run/hostapd-${config.ifname}.maclist`;
+	switch(config.macfilter) {
+	case 'allow':
+		append('accept_mac_file', path);
+		append('macaddr_acl', 1);
+		config.vlan_possible = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'deny':
+		append('deny_mac_file', path);
+		append('macaddr_acl', 0);
+		break;
+	default:
+		return;
+	}
+	let file = fs.open(path, 'w');
+	if (!file) {
+		warn(`Failed to open ${path}`);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (config.maclist)
+		file.write(join('\n', config.maclist));
+	let macfile = fs.readfile(config.macfile);
+	if (macfile)
+		file.write(macfile);
+	file.close();
+function iface_vlan(interface, config, vlans) {
+	let path = `/var/run/hostapd-${config.ifname}.vlan`;
+	let file = fs.open(path, 'w');
+	for (let k, vlan in vlans)
+		if (vlan.config.name && vlan.config.vid) {
+			let ifname = `${config.ifname}-${vlan.config.name}`;
+			file.write(`${vlan.config.vid} ${ifname}\n`);
+			netifd.set_vlan(interface, k, ifname);
+		}
+	file.close();
+	set_default(config, 'vlan_file', path);
+	append_vars(config, [ 'vlan_file' ]);
+	if (!config.vlan_possible || !config.dynamic_vlan)
+		return;
+	config.vlan_no_bridge = !config.vlan_bridge;
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'dynamic_vlan', 'vlan_naming', 'vlan_bridge', 'vlan_no_bridge',
+		'vlan_tagged_interface'
+	]);
+function iface_stations(config, stas) {
+	if (!length(stas))
+		return;
+	let path = `/var/run/hostapd-${config.ifname}.psk`;
+	let file = fs.open(path, 'w');
+	for (let k, sta in stas)
+		if (sta.config.mac && sta.config.key) {
+			let station = `${sta.config.mac} ${sta.config.key}\n`;
+			if (sta.config.vid)
+				station = `vlanid=${sta.config.vid} ` + station;
+			file.write(station);
+		}
+	file.close();
+	set_default(config, 'wpa_psk_file', path);
+function iface_eap_server(config) {
+	if (!config.eap_server)
+		return;
+	set_default(config, 'eap_server', true);
+	set_default(config, 'eap_server_erp', true);
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'eap_server', 'eap_server_erp', 'eap_user_file', 'ca_cert', 'server_cert',
+		'private_key', 'private_key_passwd', 'server_id',
+	]);
+function iface_roaming(config) {
+	if (!config.ieee80211r || config.wpa < 2)
+		return;
+	set_default(config, 'mobility_domain', substr(digest.md5(config.ssid), 0, 4));
+	set_default(config, 'ft_psk_generate_local', config.auth_type == 'psk');
+	set_default(config, 'ft_iface', config.network_ifname);
+	if (config.ft_psk_generate_local) {
+		if (!config.r0kh || !config.r1kh) {
+			if (!config.auth_secret && !config.key)
+				netifd.setup_failed('FT_KEY_CANT_BE_DERIVED');
+			let ft_key = digest.md5(`${mobility_domain}/${auth_secret ?? key}`);
+			set_default(config, 'r0kh', 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff,*,' + ft_key);
+			set_default(config, 'r1kh', '00:00:00:00:00:00,00:00:00:00:00:00,' + ft_key);
+		}
+		append_vars(config, [
+			'r0kh', 'r1kh', 'r1_key_holder', 'r0_key_lifetime', 'pmk_r1_push'
+		]);
+	}
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'mobility_domain', 'ft_psk_generate_local', 'ft_over_ds', 'reassociation_deadline',
+		'ft_iface'
+	]);
+function iface_mfp(config) {
+	if (!config.ieee80211w || config.wpa < 2) {
+		append('ieee80211w', 0);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (config.auth_type == 'eap192')
+		config.group_mgmt_cipher = 'BIP-GMAC-256';
+	else
+		config.group_mgmt_cipher = config.ieee80211w_mgmt_cipher ?? 'AES-128-CMAC';
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'ieee80211w', 'group_mgmt_cipher', 'assoc_sa_query_max_timeout', 'assoc_sa_query_retry_timeout'
+	]);
+function iface_key_caching(config) {
+	if (config.wpa < 2)
+		return;
+	if (config.network_bridge && config.rsn_preauth) {
+		set_default(config, 'okc', true);
+		config.rsn_preauth_interfaces = config.network_bridge;
+		append_vars(config, [
+			'rsn_preauth', 'rsn_preauth_interfaces'
+		]);
+	} else {
+		set_default(config, 'okc', (config.auth_type in  [ 'sae', 'psk-sae', 'owe' ]));
+	}
+	if (!config.okc && !config.fils)
+		config.disable_pmksa_caching = 1;
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'okc', 'disable_pmksa_caching'
+	]);
+function iface_hs20(config) {
+	if (!config.hs20)
+		return;
+	let uci = libuci.cursor();
+	let icons = uci.get_all('wireless');
+	for (let k, icon in icons)
+		if (icon['.type'] == 'hs20-icon')
+			append('hs20_icon', `${icon.width}:${icon.heigth}:${icon.lang}:${icon.type}:${k}:${icon.path}`);
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'hs20', 'disable_dgaf', 'osen', 'anqp_domain_id', 'hs20_deauth_req_timeout', 'osu_ssid', 
+		'hs20_wan_metrics', 'hs20_operating_class', 'hs20_t_c_filename', 'hs20_t_c_timestamp',
+		'hs20_t_c_server_url', 'hs20_oper_friendly_name', 'hs20_conn_capab', 'osu_provider',
+		'operator_icon'
+	]);
+function iface_interworking(config) {
+	if (!config.iw_enabled)
+		return;
+	config.interworking = true;
+	if (config.domain_name)
+		config.domain_name = join(',', config.domain_name);
+	if (config.anqp_3gpp_cell_net)
+		config.domain_name = join(',', config.anqp_3gpp_cell_net);
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'interworking', 'internet', 'asra', 'uesa', 'access_network_type', 'hessid', 'venue_group',
+		'venue_type', 'network_auth_type', 'gas_address3', 'roaming_consortium', 'anqp_elem', 'nai_realm',
+		'venue_name', 'venue_url', 'domain_name', 'anqp_3gpp_cell_net',
+	]);
+export function generate(interface, config, vlans, stas, phy_features) {
+	config.ctrl_interface = '/var/run/hostapd';
+	iface_stations(config, stas);
+	iface_setup(config);
+	iface_auth_type(config);
+	iface_accounting_server(config);
+	iface_ppsk(config);
+	iface_wps(config);
+	iface_rrm(config);
+	iface_ftm(config, phy_features);
+	iface_macfilter(config);
+	iface_vlan(interface, config, vlans);
+	iface_eap_server(config);
+	iface_roaming(config);
+	iface_mfp(config);
+	iface_key_caching(config);
+	iface_hs20(config);
+	iface_interworking(config);
+	iface.wpa_key_mgmt(config);
+	append_vars(config, [
+		'wpa_key_mgmt'
+	]);
+	/* raw options */
+	for (let raw in config.hostapd_options)
+		append_raw(raw);
+	if (config.default_macaddr)
+		append_raw('#default_macaddr');
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/common.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/common.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4d7eb3ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/common.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+'use strict';
+import * as libubus from 'ubus';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+global.ubus = libubus.connect();
+let config_data = '';
+let network_data = '';
+export function log(msg) {
+	printf(`wifi-scripts: ${msg}\n`);
+export function append_raw(value) {
+	config_data += value + '\n';
+export function append(key, value) {
+	if (value == null)
+		return;
+	switch (type(value)) {
+	case 'array':
+		value = join(' ', value);
+		break;
+	case 'bool':
+		value = value ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	append_raw(key + '=' + value);
+export function append_vars(dict, keys) {
+	for (let key in keys)
+		append(key, dict[key]);
+export function network_append_raw(value) {
+	network_data += value + '\n';
+export function network_append(key, value) {
+	if (value == null)
+		return;
+	switch (type(value)) {
+	case 'array':
+		value = join(' ', value);
+		break;
+	case 'bool':
+		value = value ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	network_append_raw('\t' + key + '=' + value);
+export function network_append_vars(dict, keys) {
+	for (let key in keys)
+		network_append(key, dict[key]);
+export function set_default(dict, key, value) {
+	if (dict[key] == null)
+		dict[key] = value;
+export function push_config(dict, key, option, value) {
+	if (!dict[option])
+		return;
+	dict[key] ??= [];
+	push(dict[key], value);
+export function touch_file(filename) {
+	let file = fs.open(filename, "a");
+	if (file)
+		file.close();
+	else
+		log('Failed to touch ' + filename);
+export function append_value(config, key, value) {
+	if (!config[key])
+		config[key] = value;
+	else
+		config[key] += ' ' + value;
+export function comment(comment) {
+	append_raw('\n# ' + comment);
+export function dump_config(file) {
+	if (file)
+		fs.writefile(file, config_data);
+	return config_data;
+export function dump_network(file) {
+	config_data += 'network={\n';
+	config_data += network_data;;
+	config_data += '}\n';
+	if (file)
+		fs.writefile(file, config_data);
+	printf('%s\n', config_data);
+	return config_data;
+export function flush_config() {
+	config_data = '';
+export function flush_network() {
+	config_data = '';
+	network_data = '';
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/hostapd.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/hostapd.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a17f6b5474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/hostapd.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+'use strict';
+import { append, append_raw, append_vars, dump_config, flush_config, set_default } from 'wifi.common';
+import { validate } from 'wifi.validate';
+import * as netifd from 'wifi.netifd';
+import * as iface from 'wifi.iface';
+import * as nl80211 from 'nl80211';
+import * as ap from 'wifi.ap';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+let phy_features = {};
+let phy_capabilities = {};
+/* make sure old style UCI and hwmode and newer band properties are correctly resolved */
+function set_device_defaults(config) {
+	/* validate the hw mode */
+	if (config.hwmode in [ '11a', '11b', '11g', '11ad' ])
+		config.hw_mode = substr(config.hwmode, 2);
+	else if (config.channel > 14)
+		config.hw_mode = 'a';
+	else
+		config.hw_mode = 'g';
+	/* validate band */
+	if (config.band == '2g')
+		config.hw_mode = 'g';
+	else if (config.band in [ '5g', '6g', '60g' ])
+		config.hw_mode = 'a';
+	else
+		switch (config.hw_mode) {
+		case 'a':
+			config.band = '5g';
+			break;
+		case 'ad':
+			config.band = '60g';
+			break;
+		default:
+			config.band = '2g';
+			break;
+		}
+/* setup sylog / stdout */
+function device_log_append(config) {
+	let log_mask = 0;
+	for (let k in [ 'log_mlme', 'log_iapp', 'log_driver', 'log_wpa', 'log_radius', 'log_8021x', 'log_80211' ]) {
+		log_mask <<= 1;
+		log_mask |= config[k] ? 1 : 0;
+	}
+	append('logger_syslog', log_mask);
+	append('logger_syslog_level', config.log_level);
+	append('logger_stdout', log_mask);
+	append('logger_stdout_level', config.log_level);
+/* setup country code */
+function device_country_code(config) {
+	let status = global.ubus.call('network.wireless', 'status');
+	for (let name, radio in status) {
+		if (!radio.config.country)
+			continue;
+		config.country_code = radio.config.country;
+	}
+	if (!exists(config, 'country_code'))
+		return;
+	if (config.hw_mode != 'a')
+		delete config.ieee80211h;
+	append_vars(config, [ 'country_code', 'country3', 'ieee80211h' ]);
+	if (config.ieee80211d)
+		append_vars(config, [ 'ieee80211d', 'local_pwr_constraint', 'spectrum_mgmt_required' ]);
+/* setup cell density */
+function device_cell_density_append(config) {
+	switch (config.hw_mode) {
+	case 'b':
+		if (config.cell_density == 1) {
+			config.supported_rates = [ 5500, 11000 ];
+			config.basic_rates = [ 5500, 11000 ];
+		} else if (config.cell_density > 2) {
+			config.supported_rates = [ 11000 ];
+			config.basic_rates = [ 11000 ];
+		}
+		;;
+	case 'g':
+		if (config.cell_density in [ 0, 1 ]) {
+			if (!config.legacy_rates) {
+				config.supported_rates = [ 6000, 9000, 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+				config.basic_rates = [ 6000, 12000, 24000 ];
+			} else if (config.cell_density == 1) {
+				config.supported_rates = [ 5500, 6000, 9000, 11000, 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+				config.basic_rates = [ 5500, 11000 ];
+			}
+		} else if (config.cell_density == 2 || (config.cell_density > 3 && config.legacy_rates)) {
+			if (!config.legacy_rates) {
+				config.supported_rates = [ 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+				config.basic_rates = [ 12000, 24000 ];
+			} else {
+				config.supported_rates = [ 11000, 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+				config.basic_rates = [ 11000 ];
+			}
+		} else if (config.cell_density > 2) {
+			 config.supported_rates = [ 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+			 config.basic_rates = [ 24000 ];
+		}
+		;;
+	case 'a':
+		switch (config.cell_density) {
+		case 1:
+			config.supported_rates = [ 6000, 9000, 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+			config.basic_rates = [ 6000, 12000, 24000 ];
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			config.supported_rates = [ 12000, 18000, 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+			config.basic_rates = [ 12000, 24000 ];
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			config.supported_rates = [ 24000, 36000, 48000, 54000 ];
+			config.basic_rates = [ 24000 ];
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+function device_rates(config) {
+	for (let key in [ 'supported_rates', 'basic_rates' ])
+		config[key] = map(config[key], x => x / 100);
+	append_vars(config, [ 'beacon_rate', 'supported_rates', 'basic_rates' ]);
+function device_htmode_append(config) {
+	config.channel_offset = config.band == '6g' ? 1 : 0;
+	/* 802.11n */
+	config.ieee80211n = 0;
+	if (config.band != '6g') {
+		if (config.htmode in [ 'VHT20', 'HT20', 'HE20', 'EHT20' ])
+			config.ieee80211n = 1;
+		if (config.htmode in [ 'HT40', 'HT40+', 'HT40-', 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE40', 'HE80', 'HE160', 'EHT40', 'EHT80', 'EHT160' ]) {
+			config.ieee80211n = 1;
+			if (!config.channel)
+				config.ht_capab = '[HT40+]';
+			else
+				switch (config.hw_mode) {
+				case 'a':
+					switch (((config.channel / 4) + config.channel_offset) % 2) {
+					case 0:
+						config.ht_capab = '[HT40-]';
+						break;
+					case 1:
+						config.ht_capab = '[HT40+]';
+						break;
+					}
+					break;
+				default:
+					switch (config.htmode) {
+					case 'HT40+':
+					case 'HT40-':
+						config.ht_capab = '[' + config.htmode + ']';
+						break;
+					default:
+						if (config.channel < 7)
+							config.ht_capab = '[HT40+]';
+						else
+							config.ht_capab = '[HT40-]';
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+		}
+		if (config.ieee80211n) {
+			let ht_capab = phy_capabilities.ht_capa;
+			if (ht_capab & 0x1 && config.ldpc)
+				config.ht_capab += '[LDPC]';
+			if (ht_capab & 0x10 && config.greenfield)
+				config.ht_capab += '[GF]';
+			if (ht_capab & 0x20 && config.short_gi_20)
+				config.ht_capab += '[SHORT-GI-20]';
+			if (ht_capab & 0x40 && config.short_gi_40)
+				config.ht_capab += '[SHORT-GI-40]';
+			if (ht_capab & 0x80 && config.tx_stbc)
+				config.ht_capab += '[TX-STBC]';
+			if (ht_capab & 0x800 && config.max_amsdu)
+				config.ht_capab += '[MAX-AMSDU-7935]';
+			if (ht_capab & 0x1000 && config.dsss_cck_40)
+				config.ht_capab += '[DSSS_CCK-40]';
+			let rx_stbc = [ '', '[RX-STBC1]', '[RX-STBC12]', '[RX-STBC123]' ];
+			config.ht_capab += rx_stbc[min(config.rx_stbc, (ht_capab >> 8) & 3)];
+			append_vars(config, [ 'ieee80211n', 'ht_coex', 'ht_capab' ]);
+		}
+	}
+	/* 802.11ac */
+	config.ieee80211ac = 1;
+	config.vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = 0;
+	config.vht_oper_chwidth = 0;
+	switch (config.htmode) {
+	case 'VHT20':
+	case 'HE20':
+	case 'EHT20':
+		break;
+	case 'VHT40':
+	case 'HE40':
+	case 'EHT40':
+		config.vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = config.channel + (((config.channel / 4) + config.channel_offset) % 2 ? 2 : -2);
+		break;
+	case 'VHT80':
+	case 'HE80':
+	case 'EHT80':
+		let delta = [ -6, 6, 2, -2 ];
+		config.vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = config.channel + delta[((config.channel / 4) + config.channel_offset) % 4];
+		config.vht_oper_chwidth = 1;
+		break;
+	case 'VHT160':
+	case 'HE160':
+	case 'EHT160':
+		let vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx_map = [[ 64, 50 ], [ 128, 114 ], [ 177, 163 ]];
+		if (config.band == '6g')
+			vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx_map = [
+				[ 29, 15 ], [ 61, 47 ], [ 93, 79 ], [ 125, 111 ],
+				[ 157, 143 ], [ 189, 175 ], [ 221, 207 ]];
+		for (let k, v in vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx_map)
+			if (v[0] <= config.channel) {
+				config.vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = v[1];
+				break;
+			}
+		config.vht_oper_chwidth = 2;
+		break;
+	default:
+		config.ieee80211ac = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	config.eht_oper_chwidth = config.vht_oper_chwidth;
+	config.eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = config.vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx;
+	if (config.band == '6g') {
+		config.ieee80211ac = 0;
+		switch(config.htmode) {
+		case 'HE20':
+		case 'EHT20':
+			config.op_class = 131;
+			break;
+		case 'EHT320':
+			let eht_center_seg0_map = [
+				[ 61, 31 ], [ 125, 95 ], [ 189, 159 ], [ 221, 191 ]
+			];
+			for (let k, v in eht_center_seg0_map)
+				if (v[0] <= config.channel) {
+					config.eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = v[1];
+					break;
+				}
+			config.op_class = 137;
+			config.eht_oper_chwidth = 7;
+			break;
+		case 'HE40':
+		case 'HE80':
+		case 'HE160':
+		case 'EHT40':
+		case 'EHT80':
+		case 'EHT160':
+			config.op_class = 132 + config.eht_oper_chwidth;
+			break;
+		}
+		append_vars(config, [ 'op_class' ]);
+	}
+	if (config.ieee80211ac && config.hw_mode == 'a') {
+		/* VHT capab */
+		if (config.vht_oper_chwidth < 2) {
+			config.vht160 = 0;
+			config.short_gi_160 = 0;
+		}
+		config.tx_queue_data2_burst = '2.0';
+		let vht_capab = phy_capabilities.vht_capa;
+		config.vht_capab = '';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x10 && config.rxldpc)
+			config.vht_capab += '[RXLDPC]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x20 && config.short_gi_80)
+			config.vht_capab += '[SHORT-GI-80]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x40 && config.short_gi_160)
+			config.vht_capab += '[SHORT-GI-160]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x80 && config.tx_stbc_2by1)
+			config.vht_capab += '[TX-STBC-2BY1]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x800 && config.su_beamformer)
+			config.vht_capab += '[SU-BEAMFORMER]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x1000 && config.su_beamformee)
+			config.vht_capab += '[SU-BEAMFORMEE]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x80000 && config.mu_beamformer)
+			config.vht_capab += '[MU-BEAMFORMER]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x100000 && config.mu_beamformee)
+			config.vht_capab += '[MU-BEAMFORMEE]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x200000 && config.vht_txop_ps)
+			config.vht_capab += '[VHT-TXOP-PS]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x400000 && config.htc_vht)
+			config.vht_capab += '[HTC-VHT]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x10000000 && config.rx_antenna_pattern)
+			config.vht_capab += '[RX-ANTENNA-PATTERN]';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x20000000 && config.tx_antenna_pattern)
+			config.vht_capab += '[TX-ANTENNA-PATTERN]';
+		let rx_stbc = [ '', '[RX-STBC1]', '[RX-STBC12]', '[RX-STBC123]', '[RX-STBC-1234]' ];
+		config.vht_capab += rx_stbc[min(config.rx_stbc, (vht_capab >> 8) & 7)];
+		if (vht_capab & 0x800 && config.su_beamformer)
+			config.vht_capab += '[SOUNDING-DIMENSION' + min(((vht_capab >> 16) & 3) + 1, config.beamformer_antennas) + ']';
+		if (vht_capab & 0x1000 && config.su_beamformee)
+			config.vht_capab += '[BF-ANTENNA-' + min(((vht_capab >> 13) & 3) + 1, config.beamformer_antennas) + ']';
+		/* supported Channel widths */
+		if (vht_capab & 0xc == 8 && config.vht160 <= 2)
+			config.vht_capab += '[VHT160-80PLUS80]';
+		else if (vht_capab & 0xc == 4 && config.vht160 <= 1)
+			config.vht_capab += '[VHT160]';
+		/* maximum MPDU length */
+		if (vht_capab & 3 > 1 && config.vht_max_mpdu > 11454)
+			config.vht_capab += '[MAX-MPDU-11454]';
+		else if (vht_capab & 3 && config.vht_max_mpdu > 7991)
+			config.vht_capab += '[MAX-MPDU-7991]';
+		/* maximum A-MPDU length exponent */
+		let max_a_mpdu_len_exp = (vht_capab >> 20) & 0x38;
+		for (let exp = 7; exp; exp--)
+			if (max_a_mpdu_len_exp >= (0x8 * exp) && exp <= config.vht_max_a_mpdu_len_exp) {
+				config.vht_capab += '[MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP' + exp + ']';
+				break;
+			}
+		/* whether or not the STA supports link adaptation using VHT variant */
+		let vht_link_adapt = vht_capab & 0xC000000;
+		if (vht_link_adapt >= 0xC000000 && config.vht_link_adapt > 3)
+			config.vht_capab += '[VHT-LINK-ADAPT-3]';
+		if (vht_link_adapt >= 0x8000000 && config.vht_link_adapt > 2)
+			config.vht_capab += '[VHT-LINK-ADAPT-2]';
+		append_vars(config, [
+			'ieee80211ac', 'vht_oper_chwidth', 'vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx',
+			'vht_capab'
+		]);
+	}
+	/* 802.11ax */
+	if (wildcard(config.htmode, 'HE*') || wildcard(config.htmode, 'EHT*')) {
+		let he_phy_cap = phy_capabilities.he_phy_cap;
+		let he_mac_cap = phy_capabilities.he_mac_cap;
+		config.ieee80211ax = true;
+		if (config.hw_mode == 'a') {
+			config.he_oper_chwidth = config.vht_oper_chwidth;
+			config.he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = config.vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx;
+		}
+		if (config.he_bss_color_enabled) {
+			if (config.he_spr_non_srg_obss_pd_max_offset)
+				config.he_spr_sr_control |= 1 << 2;
+			if (!config.he_spr_psr_enabled)
+				config.he_spr_sr_control |= 1;
+			append_vars(config, [ 'he_bss_color', 'he_spr_non_srg_obss_pd_max_offset', 'he_spr_sr_control' ]);
+		}
+		if (!(he_phy_cap[3] & 0x80))
+			config.he_su_beamformer = false;
+		if (!(he_phy_cap[4] & 0x1))
+			config.he_su_beamformee = false;
+		if (!(he_phy_cap[4] & 0x2))
+			config.he_mu_beamformer = false;
+		if (!(he_phy_cap[7] & 0x1))
+			config.he_spr_psr_enabled = false;
+		if (!(he_mac_cap[0] & 0x1))
+			config.he_twt_required= false;
+		append_vars(config, [
+			'ieee80211ax', 'he_oper_chwidth', 'he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx',
+			'he_su_beamformer', 'he_su_beamformee', 'he_mu_beamformer', 'he_twt_required',
+			'he_default_pe_duration', 'he_rts_threshold', 'he_mu_edca_qos_info_param_count',
+			'he_mu_edca_qos_info_q_ack', 'he_mu_edca_qos_info_queue_request', 'he_mu_edca_qos_info_txop_request',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_be_aifsn', 'he_mu_edca_ac_be_aci', 'he_mu_edca_ac_be_ecwmin',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_be_ecwmax', 'he_mu_edca_ac_be_timer', 'he_mu_edca_ac_bk_aifsn',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_bk_aci', 'he_mu_edca_ac_bk_ecwmin', 'he_mu_edca_ac_bk_ecwmax',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_bk_timer', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vi_ecwmin', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vi_ecwmax',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_vi_aifsn', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vi_aci', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vi_timer',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_vo_aifsn', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vo_aci', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vo_ecwmin',
+			'he_mu_edca_ac_vo_ecwmax', 'he_mu_edca_ac_vo_timer',
+		]);
+	}
+	if (wildcard(config.htmode, 'EHT*')) {
+		config.ieee80211be = true;
+		append_vars(config, [ 'ieee80211be' ]);
+		if (config.hw_mode == 'a')
+			append_vars(config, [ 'eht_oper_chwidth', 'eht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx' ]);
+		if (config.band == "6g") {
+			config.stationary_ap = true;
+			append_vars(config, [ 'he_6ghz_reg_pwr_type', ]);
+		}
+	}
+	append_vars(config, [ 'tx_queue_data2_burst', 'stationary_ap' ]);
+function device_extended_features(data, flag) {
+	return !!(data[flag / 8] | (1 << (flag % 8)));
+function device_capabilities(phy) {
+	let idx = +substr(phy, 3, 1);;
+	let phys = nl80211.request(nl80211.const.NL80211_CMD_GET_WIPHY, nl80211.const.NLM_F_DUMP, { wiphy: idx, split_wiphy_dump: true });
+	for (let phy in phys) {
+		if (!phy || phy.wiphy != idx)
+			continue;
+		for (let band in phy.wiphy_bands) {
+			if (!band)
+				continue;
+			phy_capabilities.ht_capa = band.ht_capa ?? 0;
+			phy_capabilities.vht_capa = band.vht_capa ?? 0;
+			for (let iftype in band.iftype_data) {
+				if (!iftype.iftypes.ap)
+					continue;
+				phy_capabilities.he_mac_cap = iftype.he_cap_mac;
+				phy_capabilities.he_phy_cap = iftype.he_cap_phy;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		phy_features.ftm_responder = device_extended_features(phy.extended_features, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ENABLE_FTM_RESPONDER);
+		phy_features.radar_background = device_extended_features(phy.extended_features, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RADAR_BACKGROUND);
+		break;
+	}
+function generate(config) {
+	if (!config.phy)
+		die(`${config.path} is an unknown phy`);
+	device_capabilities(config.phy);
+	append('driver', 'nl80211');
+	set_device_defaults(config);
+	device_log_append(config);
+	device_country_code(config);
+	device_cell_density_append(config);
+	device_rates(config);
+	/* beacon */
+	append_vars(config, [ 'beacon_int', 'beacon_rate', 'rnr_beacon', 'mbssid'  ]);
+	/* wpa_supplicant co-exist */
+	append_vars(config, [ 'noscan' ]);
+	/* airtime */
+	append_vars(config, [ 'airtime_mode' ]);
+	/* assoc/thresholds */
+	append_vars(config, [ 'rssi_reject_assoc_rssi', 'rssi_ignore_probe_request', 'iface_max_num_sta', 'no_probe_resp_if_max_sta' ]);
+	/* ACS / Radar*/
+	if (!phy_features.radar_background || config.band != '5g')
+		delete config.enable_background_radar;
+	else
+		set_default(config, 'enable_background_radar', phy_features.radar_background);
+	append_vars(config, [ 'acs_chan_bias', 'acs_exclude_dfs', 'enable_background_radar' ]);
+	/* TX Power */
+	append_vars(config, [ 'min_tx_power' ]);
+	/* hwmode, channel, op_class, ... */
+	append_vars(config, [ 'hw_mode', 'channel', 'rts_threshold', 'chanlist' ]);
+	if (config.hw_mode in [ 'a', 'g' ] && config.require_mode in [ 'n', 'ac', 'ax' ]) {
+		let require_mode = { n: 'require_ht', ac: 'require_vht', ax: 'require_he' };
+		config.legacy_rates = false;
+		append(require_mode[config.require_mode], 1);
+	}
+	device_htmode_append(config);
+	/* 6G power mode */
+	if (config.band != '6g')
+		append_vars(config, [ 'reg_power_type' ]);
+	/* raw options */
+	for (let raw in config.hostapd_options)
+		append_raw(raw);
+let iface_idx = 0;
+function setup_interface(interface, config, vlans, stas, phy_features, fixup) {
+	config = { ...config, fixup };
+	config.idx = iface_idx++;
+	ap.generate(interface, config, vlans, stas, phy_features);
+export function setup(data) {
+	let file_name = `/var/run/hostapd-${data.phy}${data.vif_phy_suffix}.conf`;
+	flush_config();
+	if (fs.stat(file_name))
+		fs.rename(file_name, file_name + '.prev');
+	data.config.phy = data.phy;
+	generate(data.config);
+	if (data.config.num_global_macaddr)
+		append('\n#num_global_macaddr', data.config.num_global_macaddr);
+	for (let k, interface in data.interfaces) {
+		if (interface.config.mode != 'ap')
+			continue;
+		interface.config.network_bridge = interface.bridge;
+		interface.config.network_ifname = interface['bridge-ifname'];
+		let owe = interface.config.encryption == 'owe' && interface.config.owe_transition;
+		setup_interface(k, interface.config, interface.vlans, interface.stas, phy_features, owe ? 'owe' : null );
+		if (owe)
+			setup_interface(k, interface.config, interface.vlans, interface.stas, phy_features, 'owe-transition');
+	}
+	let config = dump_config(file_name);
+	let msg = {
+		phy: data.phy,
+		radio: data.config.radio,
+		config: file_name,
+		prev_config: file_name + '.prev'
+	};
+	let ret = global.ubus.call('hostapd', 'config_set', msg);
+	if (ret)
+		netifd.add_process('/usr/sbin/hostapd', ret.pid, true, true);
+	else
+		netifd.setup_failed('HOSTAPD_START_FAILED');
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/iface.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/iface.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c15d87d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/iface.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+'use strict';
+import { append_value, log } from 'wifi.common';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+export function parse_encryption(config) {
+	let encryption = split(config.encryption, '+', 2);
+	config.wpa_pairwise = (config.hwmode == 'ad') ? 'GCMP' : 'CCMP';
+	switch(encryption[1]){
+	case 'tkip+aes':
+	case 'tkip+ccmp':
+	case 'aes+tkip':
+	case 'ccmp+tkip':
+		config.wpa_pairwise = 'CCMP TKIP';
+		break;
+	case 'ccmp256':
+		config.wpa_pairwise = 'CCMP-256';
+		break;
+	case 'aes':
+	case 'ccmp':
+		config.wpa_pairwise = 'CCMP';
+		break;
+	case 'tkip':
+		config.wpa_pairwise = 'TKIP';
+		break;
+	case 'gcmp256':
+		config.wpa_pairwise = 'GCMP-256';
+		break;
+	case 'gcmp':
+		config.wpa_pairwise = 'GCMP';
+		break;
+	default:
+		if (config.encryption == 'wpa3-192')
+			config.wpa_pairwise = 'GCMP-256';
+		break;
+	}
+	config.wpa = 0;
+	for (let k, v in { 'wpa2*': 2, 'wpa3*': 2, '*psk2*': 2, 'psk3*': 2, 'sae*': 2,
+			'owe*': 2, 'wpa*mixed*': 3, '*psk*mixed*': 3, 'wpa*': 1, '*psk*': 1, })
+		if (wildcard(config.encryption, k)) {
+			config.wpa = v;
+			break;
+		}
+	if (!config.wpa)
+		config.wpa_pairwise = null;
+	config.auth_type = encryption[0] ?? 'none';
+	switch(config.auth_type) {
+	case 'owe':
+		config.auth_type = 'owe';
+		break;
+	case 'wpa3-192':
+		config.auth_type = 'eap192';
+		break;
+	case 'wpa3-mixed':
+		config.auth_type = 'eap-eap2';
+		break;
+	case 'wpa3':
+		config.auth_type = 'eap2';
+		break;
+	case 'sae-mixed':
+		config.auth_type = 'psk-sae';
+		break;
+	case 'wpa':
+	case 'wpa2':
+		config.auth_type = 'eap';
+		break;
+	}
+export function wpa_key_mgmt(config) {
+	if (!config.wpa)
+		return;
+	switch(config.auth_type) {
+	case 'psk':
+	case 'psk2':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-PSK');
+		if (config.wpa >= 2 && config.ieee80211r)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-PSK');
+		if (config.ieee80211w)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-PSK-SHA256');
+		break;
+	case 'eap':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP');
+		if (config.wpa >= 2 && config.ieee80211r)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-EAP');
+		if (config.ieee80211w)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP--SHA256');
+		break;
+	case 'eap192':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP-SUITE-B-192');
+		if (config.ieee80211r)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-EAP-SHA384');
+		break;
+	case 'eap-eap2':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP');
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP-SHA256');
+		if (config.ieee80211r)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-EAP');
+		break;
+	case 'eap2':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-EAP-SHA256');
+		if (config.ieee80211r)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-EAP');
+		break;
+	case 'sae':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'SAE');
+		if (config.ieee80211r)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-SAE');
+		break;
+	case 'psk-sae':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-PSK');
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'SAE');
+		if (config.ieee80211w)
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'WPA-PSK-SHA256');
+		if (config.ieee80211r) {
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-PSK');
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-SAE');
+		}
+		break;
+	case 'owe':
+		append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'OWE');
+		break;
+	}
+	if (config.fils) {
+		switch(config.auth_type) {
+		case 'eap192':
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FILS-SHA384');
+			if (config.ieee80211r)
+				append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-FILS-SHA384');
+			break;
+		case 'eap-eap2':
+		case 'eap2':
+		case 'eap':
+			append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FILS-SHA256');
+			if (config.ieee80211r)
+				append_value(config, 'wpa_key_mgmt', 'FT-FILS-SHA256');
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	config.key_mgmt = config.wpa_key_mgmt;
+function macaddr_random() {
+	let f = open("/dev/urandom", "r");
+	let addr = f.read(6);
+	addr = map(split(addr, ""), (v) => ord(v));
+	addr[0] &= ~1;
+	addr[0] |= 2;
+	return join(":", map(addr, (v) => sprintf("%02x", v)));
+let mac_idx = 0;
+export function prepare(data, phy, num_global_macaddr) {
+	if (!data.macaddr) {
+		let pipe = fs.popen(`ucode /usr/share/hostap/wdev.uc ${phy} get_macaddr id=${mac_idx} num_global=${num_global_macaddr} mbssid=${data.mbssid ?? 0}`);
+		data.macaddr = trim(pipe.read("all"), '\n');
+		pipe.close();
+		data.default_macaddr = true;
+		mac_idx++;
+	} else if (data.macaddr == 'random')
+		data.macaddr = macaddr_random();
+	log(`Preparing interface: ${data.ifname} with MAC: ${data.macaddr}`);
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/netifd.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/netifd.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a4a9fafb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/netifd.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+'use strict';
+import { log } from 'wifi.common';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+const CMD_UP = 0;
+const CMD_SET_DATA = 1;
+const CMD_PROCESS_ADD = 2;
+const CMD_SET_RETRY = 4;
+export function notify(command, params, data) {
+	params ??= {};
+	data ??= {};
+	global.ubus.call('network.wireless', 'notify', { command, device: global.radio, ...params, data });
+export function set_up() {
+	notify(CMD_UP);
+export function set_data(data) {
+	notify(CMD_SET_DATA, null, data);
+export function add_process(exe, pid, required, keep) {
+	exe = fs.realpath(exe);
+	notify(CMD_PROCESS_ADD, null, { pid, exe, required, keep });
+export function set_retry(retry) {
+	notify(CMD_SET_RETRY, null, { retry });
+export function set_vif(interface, ifname) {
+	notify(CMD_SET_DATA, { interface }, { ifname });
+export function set_vlan(interface, ifname, vlan) {
+	notify(CMD_SET_DATA, { interface, vlan }, { ifname });
+export function setup_failed(reason) {
+	log(`Device setup failed: ${reason}`);
+	printf('%s\n', reason);
+	set_retry(false);
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/supplicant.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/supplicant.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d7f216aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/supplicant.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+'use strict';
+import { append, append_raw, append_vars, network_append, network_append_raw, network_append_vars,
+	 set_default, dump_network, flush_network } from 'wifi.common';
+import * as netifd from 'wifi.netifd';
+import * as iface from 'wifi.iface';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+function set_fixed_freq(data, config) {
+	if (!data.frequency)
+		return;
+	set_default(config, 'fixed_freq', 1);
+	set_default(config, 'frequency', data.frequency);
+	if (data.htmode in [ 'VHT80', 'HE80' ])
+		set_default(config, 'max_oper_chwidth', 1);
+	else if (data.htmode in [ 'VHT160', 'HE160' ])
+		set_default(config, 'max_oper_chwidth', 2);
+	else if (data.htmode in [ 'VHT20', 'VHT40', 'HE20', 'HE40' ])
+		set_default(config, 'max_oper_chwidth', 0);
+	else
+		set_default(config, 'disable_vht', true);
+	if (data.htmode in [ 'NOHT' ])
+		set_default(config, 'disable_ht', true);
+	else if (data.htmode in [ 'HT20', 'VHT20', 'HE20' ])
+		set_default(config, 'disable_ht40', true);
+	else if (data.htmode in [ 'VHT40', 'VHT80', 'VHT160', 'HE40', 'HE80', 'HE160' ])
+		set_default(config, 'ht40', true);
+	if (wildcard(data.htmode, 'VHT*'))
+		set_default(config, 'vht', 1);
+export function ratestr(rate) {
+	if (rate == null)
+		return rate;
+	let rem = (rate / 100) % 10;
+	rate = int(rate / 1000);
+	if (rem > 0)
+		rate += "." + rem;
+	return "" + rate;
+export function ratelist(rates) {
+	if (length(rates) < 1)
+		return null;
+	return join(",", map(rates, (rate) => ratestr(rate)));
+function setup_sta(data, config) {
+	iface.parse_encryption(config);
+	if (config.auth_type in [ 'sae', 'owe', 'eap2', 'eap192' ])
+		set_default(config, 'ieee80211w', 2);
+	else if (config.auth_type in [ 'psk-sae' ])
+		set_default(config, 'ieee80211w', 1);
+	set_default(config, 'ieee80211r', 0);
+	set_default(config, 'multi_ap', 0);
+	set_default(config, 'default_disabled', 0);
+	config.scan_ssid = 1;
+	switch(config.mode) {
+	case 'sta':
+		set_default(config, 'multi_ap_backhaul_sta', config.multi_ap);
+		break;
+	case 'adhoc':
+		config.ap_scan = 2;
+		config.scan_ssid = 0;
+		network_append('mode', 1);
+		set_fixed_freq(data, config);
+		break;
+	case 'mesh':
+		config.ssid = config.mesh_id;
+		config.scan_ssid = null;
+		network_append('mode', 5);
+		set_fixed_freq(data, config);
+		if (config.encryption && config.encryption != 'none')
+			config.key_mgmt = 'SAE';
+		config.ieee80211w = null;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (config.mode != 'mesh' ) {
+		switch(config.wpa) {
+		case 1:
+			config.proto = 'WPA';
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			config.proto = 'RSN';
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	switch(config.auth_type) {
+	case 'none':
+		break;
+	case 'owe':
+		iface.wpa_key_mgmt(config);
+		break;
+	case 'psk':
+	case 'psk2':
+	case 'sae':
+	case 'psk-sae':
+		if (config.mode != 'mesh')
+			iface.wpa_key_mgmt(config);
+		if (config.mode == 'mesh' || config.auth_type == 'sae')
+			config.sae_password = `"${config.key}"`;
+		else
+			config.psk = `"${config.key}"`;
+		break;
+	case 'eap':
+	case 'eap2':
+	case 'eap192':
+		iface.wpa_key_mgmt(config);
+		set_default(config, 'erp', config.fils);
+		if (config.ca_cert_usesystem && fs.stat('/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'))
+			config.ca_cert = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt';
+		switch(config.eap_type) {
+		case 'fast':
+		case 'peap':
+		case 'ttls':
+			set_default(config, 'auth', 'MSCHAPV2');
+			if (config.auth == 'EAP-TLS') {
+				if (config.ca_cert2_usesystem && fs.stat('/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'))
+					config.ca_cert2 = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt';
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (config.wpa_pairwise == 'GCMP') {
+		config.pairwise = 'GCMP';
+		config.group = 'GCMP';
+	}
+	config.basic_rate = ratelist(config.basic_rate);
+	config.mcast_rate = ratestr(config.mcast_rate);
+	config.ssid = `"${config.ssid}"`;
+	network_append_vars(config, [
+		'scan_ssid', 'noscan', 'disabled', 'multi_ap_backhaul_sta',
+		'ocv', 'key_mgmt', 'psk', 'sae_password', 'pairwise', 'group', 'bssid',
+		'proto', 'mesh_fwding', 'mesh_rssi_threshold', 'frequency', 'fixed_freq',
+		'disable_ht', 'disable_ht40', 'disable_vht', 'vht', 'max_oper_chwidth',
+		'ht40', 'ssid', 'beacon_int', 'ieee80211w', 'basic_rate', 'mcast_rate',
+		'bssid_blacklist', 'bssid_whitelist', 'erp', 'ca_cert', 'identity',
+		'anonymous_identity', 'client_cert', 'private_key', 'private_key_passwd',
+		'subject_match', 'altsubject_match', 'domain_match', 'domain_suffix_match',
+		'ca_cert2', 'client_cert2', 'private_key2', 'private_key2_passwd', 'password'
+	]);
+export function generate(config_list, data, interface) {
+	flush_network();
+	if (interface.bridge &&
+	    (interface.config.mode == 'adhoc' ||
+	     (interface.config.mode == 'sta' && !interface.config.wds && !interface.config.multi_ap))){
+		netifd.setup_failed('BRIDGE_NOT_ALLOWED');
+		return 1;
+	}
+	interface.config.country = data.config.country;
+	interface.config.beacon_int = data.config.beacon_int;
+	setup_sta(data.config, interface.config);
+	let file_name = `/var/run/wpa-supplicant-${interface.config.ifname}.conf`;
+	if (fs.stat(file_name))
+		fs.rename(file_name, file_name + '.prev');
+	dump_network(file_name);
+	let config = {
+		mode: interface.config.mode,
+		ctrl: '/var/run/wpa_supplicant',
+		iface: interface.config.ifname,
+		config: file_name,
+		'4addr': !!interface.config.wds,
+		powersave: false
+	};
+	if (!interface.config.default_macaddr)
+		config.macaddr = interface.config.macaddr;
+	if (interface.config.wds)
+		config.bridge = interface.bridge;
+	push(config_list, config);
+	return config;
+export function setup(config, data) {
+	let ret = global.ubus.call('wpa_supplicant', 'config_set', {
+		phy: data.phy,
+		radio: data.config.radio,
+		config,
+		defer: true,
+		num_global_macaddr: data.config.num_global_macaddr,
+	});
+	if (ret)
+		netifd.add_process('/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant', ret.pid, true, true);
+	else
+		netifd.setup_failed('SUPPLICANT_START_FAILED');
+export function start(data) {
+	global.ubus.call('wpa_supplicant', 'config_set', {
+		phy: data.phy,
+		radio: data.config.radio,
+		num_global_macaddr: data.config.num_global_macaddr,
+	});
diff --git a/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/validate.uc b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/validate.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e675b7a6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/config/wifi-scripts/files-ucode/usr/share/ucode/wifi/validate.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+'use strict';
+import { log } from 'wifi.common';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+const schemas = {
+	device: json(fs.readfile('/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-device.json')).properties,
+	iface: json(fs.readfile('/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-iface.json')).properties,
+	vlan: json(fs.readfile('/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-vlan.json')).properties,
+	station: json(fs.readfile('/usr/share/schema/wireless.wifi-station.json')).properties,
+const types = {
+	"array": 1,
+	"string": 3,
+	"number": 5,
+	"boolean": 7,
+function dump_option(schema, key) {
+	let _key = (schema[key].type == 'alias') ? schema[key].default : key;
+	return [
+		key,
+		types[schema[_key].type]
+	];
+export function dump_options() {
+	let dump = {
+		"name": "mac80211",
+	};
+	for (let k, v in schemas) {
+		dump[k] = [];
+		for (let option in v)
+			push(dump[k], dump_option(v, option));
+	};
+	printf('%J\n', dump);
+	return 0;
+function abort(msg) {
+	log(msg);
+	die();
+function validate_value(schema, key, value) {
+	switch(schema.type) {
+	case 'number':
+		value = +value;
+		if (schema.minimum && value < schema.minimum)
+			abort(`${key}: ${value} is lower than the minimum value`);
+		if (schema.maximum && value > schema.maximum)
+			abort(`${key}: ${value} is larger than the maximum value`);
+		if (schema.enum && !(value in schema.enum))
+			abort(`${key}: ${value} has to be one of ${schema.enum}`);
+		break;
+	case 'boolean':
+		value = !!+value;
+		break;
+	case 'string':
+		if (schema.enum && !(value in schema.enum))
+			abort(`${key}: ${value} has to be one of ${schema.enum}`);
+		break;
+	case 'array':
+		if (type(value) != 'array')
+			value = [ value ];
+		if (schema.items?.type)
+			for (let k, v in value)
+				value[k] = validate_value(schema.items, key, v);
+		break;
+	}
+	return value;
+export function validate(schema, dict) {
+	schema = schemas[schema];
+	/* complain about anything that is not in the schema */
+	for (let k, v in dict) {
+		if (substr(k, 0, 1) == '.')
+			continue;
+		if (schema[k])
+			continue;
+		log(`${k} is not present in the schema`);
+	}
+	/* convert all aliases */
+	for (let k, v in dict) {
+		if (schema[k]?.type != 'alias')
+			continue;
+		if (schema[k].default == null)
+			abort(`${k} alias does not have a default value`);
+		dict[schema[k].default] = v;
+		delete dict[k];
+	}
+	/* set defaults */
+	for (let k, v in schema) {
+		if (schema[k]?.type == 'alias')
+			continue;
+		if (dict[k] != null || schema[k].default == null)
+			continue;
+		dict[k] = schema[k].default;
+	}
+	/* validate value constraints */
+	for (let k, v in dict) {
+		if (!schema[k])
+			continue;
+		dict[k] = validate_value(schema[k], k, v);
+	}

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