[source] firmware: add custom IPQ wifi board definitions

LEDE Commits lede-commits at lists.infradead.org
Wed Mar 22 01:45:47 PDT 2017

blogic pushed a commit to source.git, branch master:

commit fa03d441e96eeec0781ccbe757a3641c9dcec785
Author: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey at googlemail.com>
AuthorDate: Wed Mar 15 11:49:14 2017 +0100

    firmware: add custom IPQ wifi board definitions
    On the ath10k-devel ML Michael Kazior stated:
    "board-2 is a key-value store of actual board files.
    Some devices, notably qca61x4 hw3+ and qca4019 need
    distinct board files to be uploaded. Otherwise they
    fail in various ways." [0].
    Later on Rajkumar Manoharan explained:
    "In QCA4019 platform, only radio specific calibration
    (pre-cal-data) is stored in flash. Board specific contents
    are read from board-2.bin. For each radio appropriate board
    data should be loaded. To fetch correct board data from
    board-2.bin bundle, pre-cal/radio specific caldata should
    be loaded first to get proper board id.
    |My understanding until now was that:
    | * pre-cal data + board-2.bin info == actual calibration data
    Correct." [1].
    The standard board-2.bin from the ath10k-firmware-qca4019
    barely works on the RT-AC58U. Especially 5GHz clients fail
    to connect at all and if they do, they have very low
    throughput even right next to the router.
    Currently, the solution for this problem is to supply a
    custom board-2.bin for every device.
    To implement this feature, this method makes use of:
    Rafał Miłecki's "base-files: add support for overlaying
    rootfs content". This comes with a few limitations:
    1. Since there can only be one board-2.bin at the right
       location, there can only one board overwrite installed
       at any time. (All packages CONFLICT with each other.
       It's also not possible to "builtin" multiple package.)
    2. updating ath10k-firmware-qca4019 will also replace
       the board-2.bin. For this cases the user needs to
       manually reinstall the wifi-board package once the
       ath10k-firmware-qca4019 is updated.
    To create the individual board-2.bin: Use the ath10k-bdencoder
    utility from the qca-swiss-army-knife repository:
    The raw board.bin files have to be extracted from the
    vendor's source GPL.tar archieves.
    Signed-off-by: Alexis Green <agreen at cococorp.com>
    Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey at googlemail.com>
 package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile            |  53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-fritz4040.bin | Bin 0 -> 24276 bytes
 package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-nbg6617.bin   | Bin 0 -> 24276 bytes
 package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-rt-ac58u.bin  | Bin 0 -> 24276 bytes
 4 files changed, 53 insertions(+)

diff --git a/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1b280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/version.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Build/Prepare
+	mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+define Build/Compile
+ALLWIFIBOARDS:=rt-ac58u fritz4040 nbg6617
+define Package/ipq-wifi-default
+  SUBMENU:=ath10k IPQ4019 Boarddata
+  SECTION:=firmware
+  CATEGORY:=Firmware
+  DEPENDS:=@TARGET_ipq806x +ath10k-firmware-qca4019
+  TITLE:=Custom Board
+define generate-ipq-wifi-package
+  define Package/ipq-wifi-$(1)
+    $(call Package/ipq-wifi-default)
+    TITLE:=Board for $(3)
+  endef
+  define Package/ipq-wifi-$(1)/description
+This device custom package board-2.bin overwrites the board-2.bin
+file which is supplied by the ath10k-firmware-qca4019 package.
+This is package is only necessary for the $(3).
+Don't install it for any other device!
+  endef
+  define Package/ipq-wifi-$(1)/install-overlay
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $$(1)/lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA4019/hw1.0
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) ./$(2) $$(1)/lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA4019/hw1.0/board-2.bin
+  endef
+  PREV_BOARD+=ipq-wifi-$(1)
+$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,rt-ac58u,board-rt-ac58u.bin,ASUS RT-AC58U/RT-ACRH13))
+$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,fritz4040,board-fritz4040.bin,AVM FRITZBox 4040))
+$(eval $(call generate-ipq-wifi-package,nbg6617,board-nbg6617.bin,ZyXEL NBG6617))
+$(foreach PACKAGE,$(ALLWIFIPACKAGES),$(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PACKAGE))))
diff --git a/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-fritz4040.bin b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-fritz4040.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d17a9f
Binary files /dev/null and b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-fritz4040.bin differ
diff --git a/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-nbg6617.bin b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-nbg6617.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab4d43e
Binary files /dev/null and b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-nbg6617.bin differ
diff --git a/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-rt-ac58u.bin b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-rt-ac58u.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..379bdc8
Binary files /dev/null and b/package/firmware/ipq-wifi/board-rt-ac58u.bin differ

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