help for install kexec-tools

wilbur.chan wilbur512 at
Tue Nov 17 09:10:15 EST 2009

2009/11/17 申王睿 <06120216 at>:
> i modified both kexec-tools and module in kernel to ingnore some validity checking. but when the code in kernel is going to copy the new kernel to old kernel, a pagefault exception is receive like this:
> ~ # kexec -e
> Starting new kernel
> Unhandled kernel unaligned access[#1]:

Maybe it was because of your crosstools problem.

watch the 'REG_L	s5, (s2)
	REG_S	s5, (s4)'

in relocate_kernel.S  to see if it is suitable for 64 bits.

BTW, if you are using smp processors , you should check the patch for it

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