AW: AW: AW: WPA2-PSK and WPA-EAP together?

Conrad Kostecki ck
Tue Sep 9 10:29:26 PDT 2014

> There is some information at the end of the hostapd/hostapd.conf file regarding multiple BSSID > support. In practice, you'd set the first BSS as you did now with only PSK enabled and then add to > the end of the configuration file bss=bss0 and configuration parameters for the other BSS (EAP). > That would get you two netdevs (e.g., wlan0 and bss0) that you can then bridge together, if
> desired.

Okay. I've added at the bottom of hostapd.conf:

ssid=HostAPd Wifi
wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-EAP WPA-EAP-SHA256

That seems to work. I've now two interfaces and both SSIDs are visible. But there is one problem. The "HostAPd Wifi" SSID is completely open. There is no active security?

Acording to the hostapd.conf, it should take all my default settings? I don't want to double all my settings.

# Please note that hostapd uses some of the values configured for the first BSS
# as the defaults for the following BSSes. However, it is recommended that all
# BSSes include explicit configuration of all relevant configuration items.


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