SMPS for AP mode confoguration

Eliad Peller eliad
Sun Oct 19 06:21:16 PDT 2014


On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Krishna Chaitanya
<chaitanya.mgit at> wrote:
> We are testing SMPS functionality for AP mode. The driver conveys its
> capabilities through setting the HT capability which can be set to 0-3.
> I wanted to convey support for both Dynamic and Static Powersave
> and then control the config through hostapd.conf file. Currently this is
> not possible.From driver i can only advertize support for static (or) dynamic
> not both (HW_SUPPORTS_* is a different thing which is used in
> doing checks at debugfs level).
> So if i wanted to configure different modes from hostapd.conf, i
> have to change the driver settings as well.
> Shouldn't it be the other way around, based on driver's _HW_ flags
> we should convey the capabilities to user-space  (currently we use
> ht_cap for this) and it will configure the mode from the configuration
> file.  I think the design of SMPS configuration should be changed.
this was recently changed. take a look at this patchset:

we also have a matching supplicant patchset that will probably be
upstreamed soon.


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